I feel Michael in some ways. I mean, how are you supposed to know who's good and who's bad on this show?? It would be easy to dismiss Ben as the bad guy, but he's on the opposite side of Charles Whidmore -- a man that we know to be dangerous. Perhaps, there is no good side. Maybe there are just two sides, each with their own agenda, who will stop at nothing to accomplish that agenda. They're both equally as ruthless and they both plan to use the survivors as collateral. It's beginning to sound more and more like that war Ben keeps talking about, doesn't it? So, the best that Michael can do is to try to align himself with the side that he thinks matches his own agenda (get Walt back) and hope it works. Speaking of Walt, it seems that he isn't giving Locke orders and hiding in a secret cabin on the island because he's back in New York hating his father for what he did to Ana Lucia and Libby. Michael is trying to play the hero so his son will restore his faith in him, but he doesn't feel too certain that it will work, so he has come to the ship to die. And for some reason, he keeps seeing Libby. Call it guilt. Call it the island's mysterious powers (the island won't let him die?!). Something has Michael seeing a special visitor.

While all of this Michael post-island, pre-Oceanic 6 drama was going on, Ben convinced Alex, Carl and Rousseau to leave the compound and head to safer ground at the Temple. He gave them a map, but he failed to tell them that he was also sending sharp shooters. In the episode's closing moments, those sharp shooters killed Carl and then Rousseau, leaving Alex completely dependent on Ben and free of any outside influence. Oh, and he also has his daughter believing that the bad guys did it. If we did have a good side and a bad side, Ben would be firmly planted on the bad after that scene. But, it's not that simple on
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I don't think it's the island causing Michael to see Libby because he saw her in the hospital too after he crashed the car. Which I really can't figure the timeline on at all. That ending sure was a shocker!
Yeah, but the island's powers seem to extend past the physical location of it. It won't let Michael kill himself back on the main land, so it's possible that it is also sending Libby to him. But, you never know anything for sure on this show, so who knows.
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