I don't know about all of you, but I'm having a really bad case of the "conflictzies" whereby my mind can't wrap itself around the idea of who should be with whom on
My Boys. This
used to be an easy answer for me: PJ and Brendan. Now? Not so much. And it isn't like I would be opposed to PJ and Brendan (rather, I'd be completely on board), but this entire season has had me questioning whether or not I should switch into the PJ/Bobby camp. I did, then I recanted and then I just forgot the whole thing when he decided to marry Elsa. Enter Bobby's good time brother, lots of sparks, a secret relationship and you have a whole new pairing with PJ. But, he turned out to be everything that Bobby forewarned about and I was left with that don't-let-the-door -hit-you-on-the-way-out feeling. And then we had last night's finale and I'm even more conflicted and confused. He came back! The b*stard came back and he made up for all the trouble he caused and I started thinking that maybe I was all wrong about him and maybe, just maybe, I should reconsider this PJ/Bobby's brother hook-up idea. That was until Bobby got all confused about marrying Elsa and knocked on PJ's door. And he saw his stinkin' brother in her room!! Ugh! Now what am I supposed to think? If Bobby's going to renege on this marriage thing, then he better make damn sure he and PJ have real, true feelings for each other or he might end up regretting his decision. I'm already regretting mine. I should have just stayed in the PJ/Brendan camp. It was a lot less complicated.
Meanwhile, Stephanie and Kenny were trying to forget about what happened between them the night before. In his room. With Kenny ending up with her bra. Yeah. They went there. Perhaps, there should be a new "what happens in..." saying since everyone seems to make some silly, "Oh god please let me forget this ever happened" mistakes at weddings. By the end of the episode, he was returning her bra and they were shaking hands to signify their official return to friends. Complications over for now. Not so for PJ, who has found herself square in the middle of a family love triangle. And we are square in the middle of another famous
My Boys cliffhanger. Here's to next season starting sooner rather than later!
You can watch this season's episodes of
My Boys at
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