Doncha love 3-day weekends?!! The BBQs, the extra day off, and of course, tons of fabulous marathons of your favorite shows! What's not to love, right? Before you head off to celebrate the unofficial last weekend of the summer, PTR has a couple of fun things you can do this Labor Day weekend that center around, your guessed it, TV. First,
The Office (season 4) is about to hit store shelves next week, but the good folks at Universal Studios Home Entertainment have a few sneak peeks available online right now to tied you over until the release.
The Office:
BloopersFun Run:
Deleted SceneDunder Mifflin Infinity:
Deleted SceneThere's also a contest going on over at The Onion where you can
enter to win a copy of the DVD. The fourth season of
The Office comes out this Tuesday, 9/2. The fifth season kicks off September 25th on NBC.

Remember how I was just talking about those marathons? Well, Lifetime is giving you the perfect opportunity to stay home this weekend and catch up on its uber-popular
Army Wives. And don't even try to pretend like you don't get sucked into these marathons. You know how it is -- once you start, you can't stop (I'm looking at you MTV and your ubiquitous
Top Model marathons). Lifetime kicks off its 2-day
Army Wives marathon this Sunday (9-11 p.m.) and continues it on through Labor Day (11 a.m. - 9 p.m.). The show, about the lives of five women trying to stay connected to their military husbands while navigating life on an Army post, stars Kim Delaney, Catherine Bell, Sally Pressman, Brigid Brannagh and Wendy Davis. For more on
Army Wives, visit
Lifetime's official site.
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