The 4400 got me! I totally thought that Jordan's goons gave Tom the shot. I spent the entire commercial break wondering what that was going to mean for the future of the show. Thankfully, all of my worst-case scenarios were erased once the break was over. A few scenes later, Diana confirmed that Tom was promicin negative. Kyle is really sold on this prophecy and carrying it through. Somebody has been drinking too much of the Kool-Aid! He has always been one of those "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything" characters, so I'm not surprised to see him so wrapped up in this book and Jordan's movement. Just one more complication for poor Tom. I know that Evanston was supposed to be a utopia, but it was freaking me out. I got the creepy vibe the minute Tom walked into that diner, and it continued throughout his stay. Was the town story line familiar to anyone else? I feel like
The X-Files did something similar back in the day - maybe not. Anyway, after meeting all of the residents of Evanston, it became apparent that Kyle wasn't the only one drinking the Kool-Aid.

Meanwhile, Maia's visions turned into scary dreams about a Nazi-like round-up of 4400s. Question is, are they predictions or just manifestations of Maia's imagination? I wasn't too sure at first, but once the councilman's face popped up, I felt pretty sure that what she was seeing in dream form was, in fact, her visions of the future. It looks like scary times are ahead for the original promicin-positives. Finally, it was super fabulous to see some Diana/Maia scenes again. This season has been a little light on them (in fact, non-existent), and I've missed them terribly. These two have my favorite mother-daughter relationship on TV (they were second to
Gilmore Girls, but that show is gone, ergo, Diana

and Maia move up to the top spot). There's just something awesome about Maia telling her mom not to call her "Sweetie" when she's trying to comfort her, and Diana correcting herself after falling right back into the trap. Let's hope their relationship continues this season. So, tough times for Tom, the 4400 and everyone who cares for them. This show never fails to pack plenty of punch.
If you missed last night's episode, check out the 2-minute replay at the show's
official site.
1 comment:
I thought the trip to Evanston was a little familiar as well. I'm not so sure it was an X-Files episode though. I'm thinking possibly a movie.
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