Last week, we took off from the summer-long countdown of The Best Episodes of the Season due to vacation, but this week we're back in business. Before we get to this week's entries, here's a look at the rules for this year's winners. I ended up with 30 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. All of the shows and their episodes are from NETWORK television only, meaning that I did not take any cable series into consideration (since I only watch a few and felt that it would be unfair). All episodes aired between September 2006 and June 2007. Each episode that made the final list moved me in some way; either by making me laugh out loud, cry my eyes out or just left me with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, I will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Thursday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 24-22.
24: "New York Fiction" -
Men in Trees
I think we all know by now that I'm a sucker for a good romantic comedy. Well, this 2-part episode of
Trees played out like the best of the genre. Up to this point, boy met girl (Jack and Marin), but both boy and girl were hesitant to start a relationship. BUT, that changed when girl traveled to New York for Thanksgiving and quickly discovered that dragging her feet was making her unhappy. Meanwhile back in the Alaskan wilderness, boy came to the same conclusion. So, all that stood in the way was a sappy reunion at Elmo's "airport," right? Nope! Something much bigger was about to present itself and it came in the form of Jack's ex-girlfriend who returned to Elmo with a secret. Like any good romantic comedy TV show, just when it seems that the leads are about to finally get together, a brand new obstacle steps in the way to keep things interesting. Written by series creator Jenny Bicks and Anna Fricke and directed by Arvin Brown (pt. 1) and Jeff Melman (pt. 2). (Photo courtesy abc.com)
23: "Rampage" -
Cold Case
You know that expression, "starts with a bang?" Well, the fourth season of CC started with a huge one. When the closing credits appeared on my screen, I knew we were in for an excellent season of TV's best crime drama. This episode was moving, but more than anything else, it was disturbing. Two teens open fire at a local mall in order to kill the popular kids who hung out there, and they get the entire thing on tape. In the process, they kill themselves. Kids killing kids is never an easy subject, but this telling was particularly upsetting because we got to know these kids over the course of the hour. The shooting scenes were horrific, and I found myself looking away at times. Still, this one made me think about our society and the violence that consumes it. Luckily, I haven't been desensitized to the point where stories such as this no longer disturb me or leave an impression. And just in case the story was too overwhelming, the show was sure to throw in a cute scene between Lilly and then-boyfriend Joseph ("Better get some sleep now." "Why?" "'Cause you won't get much later!"). Written by executive producer Veena Sud and directed by Mark Pellington. (Screencap courtesy
Ruda at
Look Again)
22: "Enter 77" -
Since we're pretending that the first half of this show's season never happened, this first entry on the countdown comes from the excellent second half. You know, once the survivors were back together (minus Jack) and everyone was focused on getting Jack back and everything was wonderful once again in the land of
Lost. This one had Locke, Kate and Sayid setting out to find their wayward leader. In the process, they stumble upon a house with a surrounding farm and the infamous Eye Patch Man inside. Locke discovers an elaborate set-up in the basement that contains a last resort switch. If the station is compromised, the occupant is to blow it up in order to erase all evidence of its existence. Meanwhile, Sayid is struggling with a flashback involving a woman he helped torture. The focal point of the flashback is a cat that the woman rescued from his own torture. As Sayid finally lets the memory go, he "sees" the cat on the island. Locke, meanwhile, blows up the station; leaving us wondering which side he was really on. Written by executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse and directed by Stephen Williams. (Screencap courtesy
So, there's a look at episodes 24-22 on the countdown. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Next week, we break the Top 20!! So, be sure to tune in next Thursday.
POLL RESULTS REVEALED!!! You guys voted for your favorite
Scrubs quote of the season in
PTR's Best of the Scrubies Poll, and now PTR has your results. And the winner is (with 25% of the vote).... drum roll please...
"You have been wrong about so many things that I'm not even going to say something's wrong anymore. Instead, I'm going to say it's 'Dorian.'" Dr. Cox to JDThe rest of your results follow:
2. (13%) "Jordan, the boy already lip-syncs into your tampons. Must we put the final nail in his tiny gay coffin?" Dr. Cox regarding his son
(13%) "Nothing ever changes. The Artist Formerly Known as Prince is still just Prince, my ex-wife is still pretty much my wife, 'Grey's Anatomy' always wraps up every episode with some cheesy voiceover that ties together all of the story lines, which incidentally is my least favorite device on television, Newbie continually will try to violate my no touching policy, and Republicans will forever try to raise [JD interrupts his speech with a "sneak hug"]... Of course, I would go kill him right now, but he actually just helped to prove my point." Dr. Cox to Eliot after she insists that people change
(13%) "I've seen The Wiggles live in concert. Twice." Dr. Cox to JD regarding how a baby changes everything in your life
"Did they perform 'Big Red Car'?" Turk to Dr. Cox
"They opened and closed the show with it. It was awesome." Dr. Cox
3. (6%) "Nice singlet. Does it come in hetero?" JD to Keith after Keith whipped out his high school wrestling uniform
(6%) "Or taking advice from a big Hollywood movie star and the dead science fiction writer he worships. You need to get some help." Jordan to Carla on her PPD
(6%) "Ah Billy. After the Arctic and Pacific, you're my favorite Ocean." JD after hearing Billy Ocean's "Caribbean Queen" on his scooter's radio
(6%) "'Bull dinky!' Perry Cox. 6'1." A buck 85 after lunch." Dr. Cox to Laverne after she quotes the bible
(6%) "You know Laverne if this were a horror flick, I'd be so scared that I was next. They always kill the black folks off first." Turk to a comatose Laverne
(6%) "You know what? Make it 22 fries." JD ordering at the drive thru after band member Miguel wouldn't stop playing the drums.
"22 fries. You didn't think I'd do it, did you?" JD to Miguel after he ordered fries for everyone except him
A HUGE thanks to everyone who voted!!
1 comment:
Nice "best episodes' choices! I had actually seen all three of them.
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