Sometimes it's difficult to be the only girl in a group of guys. Just ask PJ. Last night, she was picking out a new work wardrobe for Brendan, planning a wedding for Bobby (whom she still secretly has feelings for), finding a date for Mike, counseling Kenny on dating two women at once, and attempting to get through to Andy that Jo has feelings for him. Whew! No wonder she was late to meet Stephanie and had a hard time sorting through when to be outright honest (like the accurate portrayals of the boys in Steph's books) and when to tell those white lies (e.g. she's super excited about Bobby's pending nuptials). It's a very fine balance that can get you into a lot of hot water if the scale tips even the slightest in either direction. Luckily, PJ was able to cover up her slip at the end.
Speaking of covering things up, Andy better quit while he's ahead before he ends up having something to cover up. OK, so he doesn't have feelings for Jo, but it's quite obvious (to everyone except Andy) that she is digging him BIG time. And Andy's naivety about the whole thing is only fueling that fire and ensuring that this innocent work friendship is going to blow up in his face. Yup, he has to nip this one in the bud before Jo starts to think that there's a real chance for something. Awkward!
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My Boys at
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