"Of course, if next week's promo is any indication, then maybe Brandi should be given free range with Raph. Perhaps, she wouldn't jerk him around the way that Mary does."
I know, I know -- fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, yada yada yada. Is there a consolation prize for fool me a thousand times? No, well there should be because the nets have gotten my goat more times than I care to remember. Moving on... last week's promo showed Mary getting mighty friendly with a witness and I thought she was cheating on Raph (in my defense, this particular breed of promo was extremely tricky). Turns out, the scene from the ad was from Mary's past (about 13 months ago). Oops. To add insult to injury (as in, my bruised ego), turns out Raph's the cheater! Wow, did I get that one wrong. Thankfully, it wasn't with Mary's overeager sister. In Raph's defense, Mary did totally freak out and shoot him down, ignore him, and consistently fail to show up to take him to his appointments. She did realize this and decided not to get mad at Raph's indiscretion and declared that they were free to see other people (as long as Brandi isn't involved). Does this mean that Mary's free for Marshall? Something tells me that he hopes so and she wouldn't even consider it.
In Plain Sight airs Sunday nights on USA Network. If you missed this week's episode ("Good Cop, Dead Cop"), check it out for free at Hulu.com.
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