I am so psyched to have
Psych back! Between this show and
The Closer, I feel like my summer TV schedule just got hotter. The season premiere proved that Shawn is not only excellent at impersonating a psychic, but he's also quite good at being a ghost. Yup, this episode psyched all of us out when we thought our favorite cable duo was on the case of a haunting at the home of one of Gus's bosses. But it wasn't a ghostly figure in a white dress or a switch-obsessed spirit or even an eery apparition that tapped into the phone lines, drove the dog crazy and sent chills up and down everyone's spines. Nope, it was Shawn. He faked the haunting in order to save Gus's
paying job. In addition to Shawn's desire to keep Gus at Psych, there was also the little matter of Gus's income benefiting both of them:
Shawn: Who needs $48,000 to live?
Gus: I need $32. The other 16 generally goes to you.
Shawn: Don't be ridiculous.
Gus: I claimed you on my taxes, Shawn.
It was all quite ingenious really. Shawn's haunting trick may have hinged on an errant "Gus??!," but in the end, he was still able to work out a deal that was mutually beneficial for Psych and Gus's pharmaceutical bosses.

Back at home, things weren't as easy. Shawn's mother blew into town to lend her therapist expertise to the Santa Barbara Police Department (which, by the way, led to a series of HILARIOUS scenes involving Lassie letting it all out on the couch and then finding out that the doc was none other than Shawn's mom -- good stuff) and she caused a storm in the Spencer household. Seems Shawn always believed that it was his father who left his mother and not vice versa. The truth hurt, but then it sorta set him free. Could we be seeing the beginnings of a good relationship between Shawn and his father? Nah! There's too much "My father doesn't think I'm good enough" going on there to ever bury that hatchet. Good -- that means more funny conflict scenes for us.
Psych airs Friday nights on USA Network. Catch up on this episode and others at
awesome recap and synopsis, thanks for posting!
P.S. the ghost scene.. brilliant! It's one of the funniest scenes!
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