Can't wait to see how this "Yield Karma" (TM Charla and Mirna) plays out this leg. Eric and Danielle seem pretty peeved. Oh snap! The two teams are sharing an elevator at the airport. Can we say awkward??!! Meanwhile, it seems that the "Yield Karma" (TM Charla and Mirna) is working overtime as Danny and Oswald just got ahead of the blondes on the stand-by list for Malaysia air. And they and Charla/Mirna just got first on the China Air list as well.
Why?? Why does everyone dislike the blondes for using the Yield, but no one has a problem with Mirna telling an airline to bump ticket-holding people off the plane?? Or, conspiring to knock off the blondes?? Or using Oswald/Danny's stand-by code to cut ahead of the blondes? The HATE for Charla/Mirna runs so deep for me. I couldn't race with them because I'm pretty sure I'd kill Mirna before it was all said and done. And now she just cost Eric and Danielle their spots on the flight.
Awesome! The Detour includes a Kung Fu fighting option, which only lends itself to the most Awesome. Headline. Ever!! Between the action movie stunt, Kung Fu fighting and the Detour option labeled "Lost in Transition," I'm beginning to think that TAR has gone Hollywood. What's next? Phil getting his own trailer and having assistants fan him as he waits at the Pit Stop?
Charla/Mirna can't decide on a Detour and their taxi driver is lost!! Meanwhile, the blondes just completed Kung Fu and are on their way to the next clue. How's that "Yield Karma" workin' for you, Mirna?!
Umm, Mirna?? The Kung Fu fighters are like a HUGE part of this Detour!! They're not going to go away to "make love instead of war." Sorry. Oooh, things just got so good because Charla and Mirna got on the WRONG FERRY!! "Mean, Horrible Person Karma" (TM PTR) is a beyotch!
And now this week's Thought to Ponder... Do you think that Danielle's ample chest is always in the shot because the cameramen love to focus on it, or is it impossible not to film because she wears the lowest cut workout attire ever constructed? Hmm....
Danny/Oswald just crossed the finish line at the Pit Stop in first and completely broke. Unforch for them, Phil isn't feeling their pain.
Product Placement Alert!! Teams have to get their Travelocity Roaming Gnomes across the pond safely. I hope Charla/Mirna's is more like a troll. Yeah, a troll that purposely jumps off the mini boat into the pond so they have to starPublisht over again.
The blondes just finished in 2nd, in front of Charla/Mirna, so it seems that the "Yield Karma" was a non-factor this leg. The "Mean Horrible Person Karma," however, is still going strong. Charla/Mirna are stuck in rush-hour traffic as Eric and Danielle slowly catch-up. Yay, I win.
I'm starting to get that non-elimination feel. There's only 4 teams left, and the editing is not tricking me into thinking that these last two are very close. This has to be non-elim. And they didn't do the "Who can it be now?" shot as one team approached Phil. Now, Phil is giving that psych-out look, proving that this is definitely non-elim.
Ha! I knew it! No one was eliminated, thankfully. This gives me hope that Charla/Mirna won't make the final three. I just don't think I could take 2 hours of them running around alternating between "Poor me!" and their self-righteous BS* at every turn.

*It should be noted that while I loathe Mirna for obvious reasons, I actually have nothing against Charla. The two just get lumped together. My apologies to Charla because she's actually quite enjoyable.
Were you surprised that this was non-elim? Or did you see it coming as well? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. The pictures in this edition are courtesy of cbs.com.
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1 comment:
I pretty much expected this to be a non-elim. round for all the reasons you stated. Thank God!!! I would have been so pissed if Eric and Danielle were eliminated. Same feelings as you about Charla/Mirna. They have got to go!! I just love this show!!!I'm going to miss it when it goes off until next season. Really enjoyed your commentary as always.
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