It's difficult to write entries on
Friday Night Lights because I begin to sound like a broken record. Hands down, this show is the most consistently amazing series on television. I don't know how the writers, actors, and production crew manage to turn out episodes week after week that would put many shows to shame. I guess it's all a part of the allure of this show. Last night's season finale may have been the highlight of the season. It made me laugh, move to the edge of my seat, cheer, and tear up as the Dillon Panthers attempted to put the crowning jewel on their rollercoaster season. As usual with this show, some of the best moments happened off the field. Landry's roadtrip with Tyra's family, Matt's grandmother and Lyla Garrity was pure comic gold while Lyla's continued struggle to accept her parents' divorce (and her father's infidelities) was moving and tragic. But the night's best moment was saved for my two favorite characters -- Coach Taylor and his wife Tami. These two often share the best moments of the series, but last night's highlight is my new favorite scene from any show this season. Like Tami, I wasn't sure how Eric was going to react to her news. She's pregnant!! And Eric couldn't have been happier -- shocked, but happy. I just loved his reaction, and Tami's huge sense of relief. It was a moving, funny, tearful scene that stands as a microcosm of everything that is so wonderful and perfect about this show. This scene alone should garner both Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton Emmy noms, but we all know how unfair that system is every year.

Somewhere in-between all of those wonderful personal moments, we had a football game. As usual, the balance between the two was perfect. I went into this episode thinking that the Panthers weren't going to win the state championship. The controversy surrounding Coach Taylor's decision to take the job at TMU was bound to leak out, and I knew it would have an adverse effect on these kids. And I was right -- for the first half of the game anyway. Coach Taylor's halftime speech was his most moving yet, and it was just what the players needed to go out there the second half and win the game and the title. The win was emotional for everyone, but perhaps, the most for Coach Taylor. So, the question remains -- will he leave Dillon for TMU? He had his mind set on staying after learning about Tami's pregnancy, but she made a strong argument for him to take the job. Once back in Dillon, he seemed more torn than ever, especially when his team gathered as Jason spoke about celebrating today and preparing tomorrow

because the team is now the biggest target in the state next season. As Tami said, he's a good man and I know he'll make the right decision (i.e. stay in Dillon). Either way, last night's finale was the brilliant cap on an amazing season. Let's just hope that it was the perfect ending to the
season and not the
Stars Connie Britton and Kyle Chandler chatted with fans last night at nbc.com. Chandler alludes to the show getting "a second chance" next season (Yay!), and TVGuide.com's
Mike Ausiello concurs as he reports from multiple sources at NBC that the network has ordered 6 more scripts. Neither is a guarantee that we'll get a second season, but they're both good signs in that direction. To read all of Chandler and Britton's comments, click
HERE to go to nbc.com.
If you missed last night's episode (or any this season), click over to
nbc.com to watch it for free. The pictures in this edition are courtesy of nbc.com.
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