Faithful PTR writers will know that I HATE deceptive promos. They drive me so crazy that there was a time when I swore ads off all together, but curiosity got the better of me, and now I'm back to watching them. So, I suppose it serves me right that tonight's episode of
Cold Case was a victim of the deceptive promo. According to the ad, this one featured "an ending that you won't believe" and we were led to think that it had to do Lilly's mother going on another alcoholic binge. Now, there were some shocking moments tonight (The Boss was a woman!!?? Lil's mom has late stage cirrhosis??!!), but none of them was at the end. A technicality I suppose, but annoying all the same. Luckily, this deception didn't ruin what was otherwise another strong episode for TV's best crime drama. And yes I know that the whole Russian sex slaves has been done on
Law & Order: SVU (another excellent crime drama), but as usual, CC had its own spin. And who says that
SVU has a copyright on sex crimes anywho? This one wasn't about sex crimes as much as it was about the murder of the man who tried to keep one of the young girls from becoming one. Mike's devotion to Lena was admirable, if not extremely dangerous. He gave up everything he had, including his life, for her and it still didn't set her free. I'm

still recovering from the shock that the Boss was a woman and not just any woman -- the one who was suppose to be helping these girls get visas and hopefully, a better life. Instead, she was exploiting them. Is it wrong that I'm totally worried about Kiril? I thought Scotty was going to get him out of the general prison population?? It's not as if the guy is up for sainthood, but I'm not sure he deserves her wrath. Hell hath no fury like
that woman scorn!

I'm aware that at some point in a lot of people's lives they swap roles with their parents. The child becomes the parent, and the parent the child. The problem with Lil and her mom is that Lil has always had to be the parent. If she wasn't raising her little sis, she was nursing her mother's hangover or tucking her into bed all before she was old enough to drive. Not fair for any child, but she survived. Only, the next stage is about to begin and it looks like it's going to be the most difficult to date. In addition to her mother living in her house, Lil is single-handedly responsible for keeping her sober and away from the liquor cabinet (which I sincerely hope she has emptied if it was even full to begin with -- this is Lil we're talking about). Oh, did I mention that she has a demanding job that keeps her at the office for hours on end? I have to admit that I gasped when she told her mother that she has late stage cirrhosis, even though it's not as though it's some sort of huge shocker considering her history with the bottle. And I can tell that Lil's conflicted. Part of her

wants to say that this is what her mother deserves for refusing to get her problem under control, and the other part wants to sit in a dark corner and cry for hours on end over the mother that she loves and never had, but could lose in the blink of an eye. But, something tells me that she'll go with the former and suppress any thought of tears in her usual stoic manner. Another good blend of case and personal, so CC moves to 19-2-1 on the season.
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I felt so sorry for Lilly, awesome acting by Kathryn once again. Does this mean her mother is going to die??
Another solid CC episode. I also was shocked when the boss turned out to be a woman, especially that woman. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl who killed the victim( forgotten his name already). She was so incredibly desperate. Another tragedy all the way around again.
I just thoroughly spoiled myself, thank you very much ;)... DAMN YOU for being such a good writer. I knew I had to stay away from this entry but you just reeled me in. Anyway, I'll have forgotten all about it by the time I watch it, so it's ok. Sounds like a strong storyline for Lil, I'm glad they decided to go through with it instead of just making her bring on ANOTHER shady boytoy... hehe (not that she's had many anyway, but I find this spin much more interesting). I hadn't caught on before that she had to take her mom in because she was ill... interesting dilemma, and will probably end badly. I'll love seeing Meredith Baxter as a regular character, but 'fraid they'll HAVE to kill her off sometime, if she's that ill. UNLESS she gets transplanted... there's just so much to do with this storyline. LOVE IT. Kudos, writers.
<- DF
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