Sun got some mixed news while Hurley got some that left us all shocked. Here's what
Turtlemama and I have to say:
Turtlemama says: She's taking the week off due to a sick baby and a lack of anything to say about this one. She's hoping next week's outing is more inspiring. Aren't we all?
TVFan says: I'm just going to go ahead and say this - I'm sick of the flashbacks on
Lost! I would much rather watch the characters interact on the island than see bits and pieces of someone's life without any indication as to some sort of timeline. It's not that Sun's past isn't interesting, it's just that I'm tired of watching it play out (along with all of the other characters). Flashbacks aside,
Lost is still a very good show, and last night's episode managed to throw in a few surprises. First, the baby is Jin's. Sun seems to have spent most of her life (since meeting Jin) making sacrifices for him. The latest include asking her father for $100,000 to prevent Jin from finding out that his mother was a prostitute and his father may not be his real father, and more than likely dying because her baby was conceived on the island. In addition to healing Locke's paralysis, killing pregnant women, and bringing people back from the dead (Eye Patch Man's alive??!! Perhaps that security system isn't as deadly as we thought), the island can also increase sperm count (or Juliet lied to cover up the research they've been doing). So, now Sun's pregnant with Jin's baby and she only has about two months to live (or in
Lost time, 2 seasons). As she said to Juliet, she loses either way. Speaking of Juliet, it seems that my prediction about her motivation for helping Ben and the Others was correct. He's promising her something in return (more than likely a one-way ticket out of here) because there's no way she'd help someone she "hates" otherwise. I had to cheer when Juliet said that after she recorded her update for him. I really don't want to hate her, so I'm glad she seems to be good. Finally, there was the night's most shocking moment all the way at the very end. According to the parachuter, authorities found the wreckage from flight 815, and there were no survivors! Could the
Lost island be some sort of Purgatory (as viewers have speculated from the beginning)? Were the authorities mistaken? And most importantly, how did this outsider find the island and what does she have to do with Penelope and Desmond? As usual, so many questions and very few answers, thus is the burden of being a
Lost fan.
So, what did you think about last night's outing? Leave us a comment with your thoughts. If you missed this week's episode, you can watch it for free at
abc.com. The screencap in this edition is courtesy of
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I'm not sick of flashbacks on Lost, I'm sick of them giving flashbacks for charachters that are no longer interesting. Enough Jack, Kate, Locke, and Sawyer flashbacks, it's time to tell us more about Rousseou, Zeke, and Not-Henry.
I am totally fascinated by Hurley's shocking discovery at the end! It has really got me thinking of all the possibilities. I do wish we had gotten some answers about the paraschuter though.
This might be my problem as well Scooter. I do enjoy the Juliet flashbacks and I'm dying for a Ben one (which I keep hearing is coming up). I guess I'm really sick of seeing the same characters as you said.
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