An hour choke-full of clear answers?? This is not the first half of the season's
Lost, and we like it! Here's what
Turtlemama and I have to say:
Turtlemama says: Remember that episode where the promos were touting “The three biggest questions…ANSWERED on this week’s
Lost!”? Yeah, I think they meant THIS week…they just ran the incorrect ad that week and had to save face and run with it. Boy did we learn a lot in this episode. I’m almost to the point where I want to say that ‘our’
Lost is finally back! But there are still five episodes left, so let’s not jump the gun just yet.
We learned why Claire was kidnapped, why Juliet was sent to the island in the first place and the story of the island before the plane crashed. We also learned that Juliet infiltrated the camp to…..well, we don’t know. Maybe it was to save Claire? Or maybe they impregnated Claire and now they need her back to see if the serum really works?
At any rate, we now know WHY they took the children…we still don’t really know WHERE the children are (Not here! as they say). But children aside, this episode was pretty interesting, so much so that I couldn’t even take my eyes off the TV.
Learning that Juliet was sent to the island under the guise of research confused us just enough to debate whether Jack was right; Juliet wants off the island just as badly as the flight survivors, or does she?
Seeing the communications center and how they could access information on anyone, anywhere, anytime was uber creepy. Speaking of creepy, wouldn’t a guy with what looks to be tattooed eyeliner creep anyone out? Seriously, some creepy superhero wannabe with eyeliner tattooed on his face wanting me to go do top secret stuff in some top secret site with top secret people would just be one big, red flag…I’m just sayin’.
Back to the point of this post….all the
Lost answers! What was the one question that was answered which you’ve been wondering about? Mine was Claire’s kidnapping. I had actually forgotten about that, but once they mentioned it I had that moment of “OH YEAH! THAT! I totally forgot!” Did you have any of those moments?
And of course with all the answers we’ve got even more questions, but at least we can strike through some of the earlier questions and just add the new ones to the bottom of the list. *Sigh* But boy was that a good episode or what?
TVFan says: Look at
Lost getting all awesome on us these last several weeks! I look forward to this show again, and that's a very good thing. We finally know we most definitely cannot trust Juliet. I've never trusted her because I've always felt that she had her own hidden agenda, but I will admit that by the scene where she and Jack spoke on the beach, I was pretty sure that I had been wrong about her. The very next moment, we learn that she's playing the survivors once again. Her involvement in the camp, Claire's illness, and being left behind was all planned. Why? Because, as Jack said, she wants to get off the island more than anything in the world. She has a (supposedly) cancer-free sister and nephew that she's never met waiting for her back home. I can't say I blame her, but I am surprised at how ruthless this desire has made her. Anyway, we found out the women on the island aren't able to have babies (their bodies turn on them and they die), which doesn't bode well for Sun. This is the reason they took Claire, although, the reason probably had more to do with studying her to find out why she wasn't exhibiting symptoms versus preventing them from occurring as Julia claimed. One of the most interesting reveals of the hour had to do with Julia's trip to the island. They gave her a tranquillizer because the last leg is "really rough." She left from an airport, but awoke on a submarine (probably the one that Locke just blew up). Most important, we finally found out how The Others know so much about the survivors -- they saw the news coverage of the plane's disappearance and they started their research. Finally, how did Ben get cancer if the island is suppose to be cancer-free?? Does it have something to do with curing Julia's sister of the disease? Time will tell, I suppose.
So, what did you think about last night's outing? Leave us a comment with your thoughts. If you missed this week's episode, you can watch it for free at
abc.com. The screencap in this edition is courtesy of
1 comment:
I tried posting this the other day and blogger wouldn't let me. So I'm trying again.
Lost is definitely back! Turtlemama mentioned the children and now knowing why the others took them. I must have missed something. Please fill me in on that little secret. Yes! I am actually looking forward to this show again!!
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