By LillyKat
PTR Senior Staff Writer
Like a fine wine, The Closer seems to get better and better each season. Last night, we welcomed the fourth season premiere, a vintage selection circa July 2008 called “Controlled Burn.” And wow, did it have a little taste of everything:
Something old – former BJ nemesis Bill Croelick (from the first season’s “Fatal Retraction”), who’s obsession with fire came in handy in helping – yes, helping – to solve the case.
Something new – BJ and Fritzy’s rented bungalow with secret cat operation in full swing.
Something borrowed– Priority Homicide’s bathrooms because said new bungalow had a toilet-no-worky issue and couldn't be fixed because of said secret cat operation.
Something blue – the center of a fire’s flame, or would that be Bill’s affections for BJ?
The Case
An interesting one that opens up that whole how – much – control – do – we – have – in – our – lives thing that creator James Duff talked to us about. And any time you set it against the potential of having Griffith Park burn to the ground, heck, you’ve got my attention.
We open season four with an affair gone bad - a firefighter who “accidentally” (don’t they always) slams girlfriend’s head into a blunt object given girlfriend didn’t know firefighter was married (and she, of course, wanted to run and tell wifey).
Don’t ya’ hate it when that happens?
Firefighter decides to use dead girlfriend as firewood that … oops, ends up engulfing all of Griffith Park in Los Angeles. Convenient, of course, that the Fire Department was called to respond to said blaze to which said firefighter carries body of girl out of the park like some sort of hero – as if she a) wasn’t planted there on purpose; b) the source of the fire; c) hidden by the controlled burn that went, effectively, went out of control.
The Quirky
The LAPD is once again trying to play nice with the media. Much to BJ’s chagrin. Hence The Times reporter Ree-car-doh (BJ speak for Ricardo) Ramos tailing around on the investigation.
Read: screwing things up in the process.
Namely, contacting Bill Croelick’s lawyer for an inside interview exclusive something or other that compromises the investigation.
Of course.
Brenda: “Oh yes, we love journalists. They’re so helpful, we’ll want them on every case.”
Chief Pope: “Is this your attempt at enthusiasm?”
Brenda: “Oh, I’m sorry. I meant to say 'Yippee.'”
The Creepy Good
Bill Croelick vs. BJ – the sequel. Truth be told, I actually cannot remember this guy from the first season (back when I was only a television blogger in theory, not in practice).
That said, how creepy good was Jason O’Mara? And his chemistry with Kyra Sedgwick? Genius.
Like, can we get him over on Cold Case to become the new George-esque nemesis of Detective Lilly Rush? Heck, Bill is bailing out of LA after settling his $4 million dollar lawsuit with the state after being tried and freed not once (key witness in case goes missing), but twice (framed for a murder he didn’t commit).
Head to Philly, Bill. There’s a homicide detective there you’ll love to torment.
The Personal
As if we need to say it one more time (okay, we will) … how freakin’ good is this show at giving us BJ and Fritzy in the middle of chaos of having moved into a rented bungalow six weeks ago but of which a) haven’t unpacked; b) haven’t met the landlord because Kitty is secretly there even though there is a NO PETS policy; b) can’t get the toilet fixed because of Kitty, and as such, have to live with all the blinds and windows closed for fear Kitty will be found out; d) can’t meet the neighbors because … well, who wants to meet the neighbors when you’re simply asking to use their toilet.
Fritz: “It’s like living with Anne Frank.”
The Hysterical
Since the toilet can’t be fixed under normal circumstances, Fritz … ahem ... has the option of using the shower, whilst Brenda does not.
Brenda: “How many more mornings are we going to be rushin' to work to pee? ... Wait a second ... You peed in the shower?!??!?!”
Fritz: “Oh come on, it went right down the drain.”
Or Fritz delivering Kitty to the office because he finally called the landlord to get the toilet fixed, but of course had to hide Kitty … well, somewhere. Not to mention give BJ an ultimatum to confess Kitty to the landlord or else (which she did, and Kitty gets to stay). Did we mention Fritzy was in charge of hiding all cat evidence and/or cleaning the house, too?
God, I love this show.
New episodes air Mondays at 9 p.m. on TNT. You can also watch full episodes of the show anytime over on the show’s official Web site.
It's so great to have BJ back in our family rooms. I can't believe this is the fourth season! I also don't remember this Bill character from the first season. And I'm familiar with the actor Jason O'Mara from Grey's and Men In Trees. Anyway, it was lots of fun as usual.
I remember Bill because he was "Just Plain Brenda." I was so psyched when I saw him pop up on screen. He's a great character and I love the way he goes toe-to-toe with Brenda. He really rattles her like no one else. I will miss him in LA, but if he should find his way to Philly, I would certainly welcome that.
The Brenda/Fritz/Kitty story was great. I was laughing at those scenes. Brenda amazes me because she's so together at work -- in charge, calling orders, making decisions, commanding interrogations, etc. -- and yet, totally scattered at home. Great dichotomy.
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