As usual, there were many elements that could fit this bill, but Angela and Sweets pretending to be married in order to nail the chiropractor for the murder of a young pregnant teen was the best part of this episode. I laughed at their banter-filled exchange in the waiting room, but it was their scene inside the examine room that stood out. I loved Angela's "He spends a lot of time on the net -- if you know what I mean" and Sweets's painful adjustments all in the name of justice. Good stuff. Honorable mention goes to Bones for thinking that Clinton was former President Clinton. Hi-Larious!! Second honorable mention goes to Booth's excellent scene at the end with the younger Clinton.
This one is easy -- Angela refusing to confront her hurt feelings and turning to a romp with Hudgins instead. Now normally, I would applaud any effort to put these two back together (I'm still not happy with the show's decision to break them up during the season premiere), but this was all moment and no future. It works for Angela, but not so much for Hodgins. So, he's back to pining over her and holding onto an earring that his heart just can't allow him to give back to her. And just when he was starting to get over her.
Something about that "re-hydrating the flesh" scene just didn't sit well with me. Thankfully, I wasn't eating dinner while watching this time (I know, it sounds like I'm making progress, but it's merely a coincidence). Blame that body- in- the- fish- tank shot about midway through. Overall, though, this outing was a bit lower on the "Ugly" scale than previous ones.
If you missed last night's episode ("The Salt in the Wounds"), check it out for free at Hulu.com.
Something about that "re-hydrating the flesh" scene just didn't sit well with me. Thankfully, I wasn't eating dinner while watching this time (I know, it sounds like I'm making progress, but it's merely a coincidence). Blame that body- in- the- fish- tank shot about midway through. Overall, though, this outing was a bit lower on the "Ugly" scale than previous ones.
If you missed last night's episode ("The Salt in the Wounds"), check it out for free at Hulu.com.
No really "ugly" in this one for me. Though the "alpha female" and her attitude got pretty close.
Do I detect a slight change in the tone of this show recently? Things feel a little different but I can't really put my finger on what. It seems like Bones has been off her game a little, especially in comparison to the "temp-squints".
I think the show feels a little different lately as well. Bones definitely seems a bit off her game. I wonder what's up.
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