PTR Senior Staff Writer
How can that be? Have we zoomed through this second season of Damages THAT quickly?
We must have.
But you know that ol' saying: time flies when you're having fun.
Since I keep saying I want to get to the end, I should be happy that we're on the home stretch - especially after seeing Patty walk out of the now infamous flash-forward Showdown at the OK Hotel Room sequence this week ... splattered in blood, speechless and practically feinting into the elevator.
Who the in the heck does Ellen shoot NOW that we know it's NOT Patty?!?!?!?
I know: I'll just have to wait and see.
But aside from that humdinger of a reveal, we had a whole bunch of delicious goodies this week - not all of which were related to the ongoing war between Patty Hewes and UNR. Props to Tate Donovan for directing another fantastic episode.
Good News: Looks as though Claire Maddox is finally seeing the light that her UNR boss, Walter Kendrick, is ... uh, let's just call him an evil destroyer of mankind, shall we? He might as well be. Poisoning people. Causing energy shortages for profit. Having people killed. Seriously, does he work for Skynet?
Bad News: Claire realizes this thanks to hooking back up with Daniel Purcell, who I believe we can't trust further than we can throw.
Good News: Ellen finally has a breakdown, which releases so much of that pent up emotion that has been eating her alive since: a) going back to work undercover for the FBI to nail Patty; and, b) the death of fiancé doc David.
Bad News: She has this breakdown with Wes. He then tells creepy detective dude (who I finally learned is named Rick) that he should back off of Ellen and quit thinking she knows he's involved in the death of David (among other things). Naturally, Rick isn't buying it and now appears to hold Wes ransom with some sort of something or other from his own cop past, and thus, will not let the kill-Ellen-now thing go. I'm thinking, "Hey Wes, why don't you just do us all a favor and off Rick, eh?"
More Bad News: Wes was already spying on Ellen from the time of her first "meet" with the FBI guys in the limo at the end of the first season.
But perhaps what was most interesting this week was the storyline about Patty's son, Michael, having an older woman as his girlfriend.
As in, he's 18 and she's ... let's call it 40.
That dinner scene was priceless. I think you could actually see some steam coming out of Patty's ears. Or how about Patty's confrontation of Ms. 40-Year-Old in the art gallery: "You will break his heart. And when you do, I'll tear your face off."
Only Patty Hewes could get away with saying that - or perhaps I should say even think she COULD say something like that.
We recall last season Michael was a bit of a problem child. Lots of rebellion. And we know Patty took some drastic actions to try and get him under control (remember the intentional kidapping?). However, the fact he's been such a goody-two-shoes this season has made me a bit suspicious. Like, there's a whole lot that's not being said, and for some reason, I get the sense he's hiding something from her.
A 40-year-old girlfriend is a start.
And did we mention that one of the FBI agents is on the take by the SAME guy who is trying to put Patty's husband Phil on the energy commission - that is, one of Kendrick's slithering minions? And said Kendrick minion is in cahoots with the Deputy Director on the whole investigation?!?!?!?
Yes, I think we do need to get to the end of season two.
I'm not sure I can take the waiting anymore.
New episodes of Damages air Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on FX. To catch up on the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of the show, head on over to the official Damages Web site. You can also download full episodes of the show over at iTunes.
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