PTR Senior Staff Writer
Damages is known for leaving us wondering.
One of the things that was left only loosely explored last year (er, perhaps I should say vaguely) was the relationship between Patty Hewes and her husband, Phil (played by Michael Nouri).
He passed through a handful of episodes as the rock that seemed to hold her together - a good guy, smart, focused, not an overbearing step-father, not intimidated by Patty's aura.
This season, we're getting a much more in depth look at his character - as was the case in this week's episode.
And I'm beginning to have my suspicions.
He's having an affair whenever he flies off to London (where he seems to spend quite a bit of time - both this season and last). If it's not London, he's in some other jet set city somewhere else in the world (perhaps with an array of women, though that is pure speculation on my part).
And now this whole buy stock in UNR/buddy-buddy with the bad guy consultant to Kendrick/is going to be put on a government commission to tow the UNR line ...?
And all of this is occurring RIGHT under Patty's nose.
Now, they do say love is blind. And although she doesn't have too many people that can pull one over on her, perhaps given Phil appears as her most trusted confidant, he may be primed to do just that. If anything, all this playing on - or near - the exact team Patty is set to take down is one huge conflict of interest, yet he does it anyway.
But then again, Patty is never one to take on small challenges (heck, she's planning on going after the FBI over Pete's murder).
Wonder if that means with her marriage, too.
I am still wanting to cut to the end with Gun Wielding Ellen V. Terrified Chair Bound Patty.
Stay tuned.
New episodes of Damages air Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on FX. To catch up on the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of the show, head on over to the official Damages Web site. You can also download full episodes of the show over at iTunes.
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