As annoying as it was to go four months without a new
Everwood right in the middle of the television season, aren't you loving the fact that we're still getting new episodes and will continue to for another two weeks? I'm savoring every moment since I know that these last few episodes will not only be the last of the season, but sadly, also of the series. It's a bitter pill to swallow, and even more so when I watch the amazing episodes each week. I feel like The CW stabbed all of us
Everwood fans in the back last week with the announcement that it wouldn't be picking up the critically acclaimed drama. The network started twisting that knife when it kept the
Everwood site up on its new web site, and it continues to do so each time we watch a new episode. I sat there last night fuming with the knowledge that quality programming with one of television's best writing staffs gets passed over for teenage drivel like
One Tree Hill. I figure by the time the finale airs June 4th, I'll be so bitter and angry that the next day's entry will be a diatribe about the evils of The CW (save for
Veronica Mars). Just thought I'd go ahead and warn you guys now.

But, let's not dwell on the terrible injustice that is The CW's decision not to renew
Everwood because last night's episode produced another quality hour of television as it does consistently week after week (unlike some
other shows that got another season. OK, moving on). This was the big "Bright Goes Through the Window" episode that we have seen advertise for some time now, and that led to a lot of fans thinking that Bright is the character that dies before the series ends (executive producer Rina Mimoun has said on many occasions that a character will die). I really didn't think it was going to be Bright, but I was a little worried when things looked a little touch and go at the hospital. Hannah seemed to show up for Bright as much as she did to support Amy. I never doubted that she still loved him, but it was nice to see her smile after he woke up. I really like Nick and perhaps if we were given another season, more could have been done with him and Hannah, but alas, we all know the hard truth. Ultimately, I want Hannah with Bright, but I think it's too soon. The problem is that the show is wrapping up against its will, so if I want Hannah and Bright to live happily ever after then it's

now or never. Curse you CW! It's the same with Amy and Ephram for me. I just feel like both of these "couples" have so much story to tell before they ride off into the sunset, but the damn CW isn't allowing for that, so we're going to have to settle for a rush job in both cases. Luckily, the writers are brilliant enough to make the absolute best out of a horrible situation, but I'm still bitter about all of the stories we're going to miss out on. And there I go again getting off track about the ridiculous CW oversight (seriously, the day after the finale is going to be bad people, BAD!). Anyway, when we weren't busy worrying that Bright was the

ill-fated character, we were getting nervous about Rose's cancer scare. It seemed that her cancer had returned, but luckily her scan showed that she was officially in remission. The person we all needed to be worried about was Irv. He seemed to suffer a heart attack as he was bringing Edna breakfast in bed. I assumed that she was still sleeping since we saw him collapse to the floor unconscious and no one running to his rescue. Is Irv the character that
Everwood loses? My money was totally on Jake, but it seems that I was sorely wrong.

In other
Everwood happenings, Andy's estranged father arrived in town to finally apologize for all the years of emotional neglect. The most interesting part of this story was the way that Andy and his father related to each other because it was like watching an older version of Andy and Ephram. I had no idea that Andy and his father had gone through the same relationship upheaval as he did with his son. Even more interesting was the fact that Andy didn't speak to his father because he was never there for him, especially after his mother died. Ephram and Andy never got along because Andy was never there for his family until after Julia died. This, of course, was the core difference between the two relationship dynamics, and the point that caused Andy's father to realize how badly he failed his son. Elsewhere, Nina and Jake were making plans for their big move to

California. For the record, I still don't think it's happening, especially after Nina's talk with Andy. The real reason she's going with Jake is so she can run away from her feelings for Andy. We all know the attempt would be fruitless, so my money is on Nina realizing this fact and staying in Everwood while Jake pursues his new career path in LA. We'll have to see how it plays out in the finale two episodes (sniff, sniff). If you are as upset about the CW injustice as I am, there is a petition to get
Everwood on the upstart network's midseason schedule. Right now, there is only one show planned for the mid point and having
Everwood for half a season is better than no season. Sign the petition

How would your life be different if you had chosen another path? This was the fundamental question last night on
Medium as we got to see just what would have happened if Allison's had been different. She would have been working for a high- powered defense attorney, married to her college sweetheart and childless. Yes, it was a very different Allison than we're used to seeing every week, and certainly a less compelling one as the episode seemed to drag from time to time. All of this was just a ploy to help Allison understand what was going to happen in court and how to prevent it. D.A. Devalos had a particularly difficult murder case to prosecute because there was no body. This opened the door for the possibility that the "victim" was still alive, and the defense lawyer was going to exploit that possibility with the murdered girl's twin sister. Allison's trip to the land of What Could Have Been allowed her to see how the other side was going to get his client off. The best part of the hypothetical life was the fact that Allison and Joe still found each other and ended up together. I told you guys yesterday that I'm a romantic sap, and now you see what I mean. The only omission from the episode was my TV boyfriend Det. Scanlon. I was bummed that this was the season finale and no Scanlon wit. Other than that, the episode was good, not the best of the season, but still good.
41st Annual Academy of Country Music Awards air tonight on CBS live from Las Vegas. And while I wouldn't consider myself a country music fan, there are a few songs that if I happen to hear them, I enjoy. I don't listen to country radio or music channels on TV, so I'm pretty much out of the country loop, but my girl Kathryn Morris is a presenter tonight. She will be joined by fellow presenters Dr. Phil, Emily Proctor, Craig Ferguson, Tony Stewart, performers Sugarland, Kenny Chesney, Carrie Underwood, Rascal Flatts and host Reba McEntire. Check out her promos pictures for tonight's event:

You can see more of Kathryn's ACM photo shoot (HQ photos) at
About Last Night...NBC won the first hour of the night with
Deal or No Deal, followed by ABC's special
Oprah Winfrey's Legends Ball and the first hour of Fox's
24 finale (which had more total viewers). At 9, CBS landed in first with comedies
Two and a Half Men and
Old Christine, followed by the second hour of Fox's
24 and NBC's
The Apprentice. The first hour of ABC's series finale of
Alias came in fourth and
Everwood landed in fifth. The final hour of the night went to CBS'
CSI: Miami, followed by NBC's
Medium and the conclusion of ABC's
Alias. For more on last night's ratings, visit
~Primetime Pass~@8 p.m. - It's down to Taylor and Katharine on Fox's
American Idol. Listen to each of them perform and then cast your vote. Over on CBS, it's the aforementioned
41st Annual Academy of Country Music Awards. ABC presents Stephen King's
Desperation starring Tom Skerritt, Steven Weber, Annabeth Gish, Ron Perlman, Henry Thomas, Matt Frewer and Charles Durning. The 3-hour movie centers on an unlikely band of people who find themselves forced to be reluctant heroes as they battle an unspeakable horror in a small, Nevada desert town.
House (9 p.m. Fox) - 2nd season finale
To see what else you can catch on television tonight with customized listings for your area (via Zap2it), visit the
TV Listings area of PassTheRemote.net.
QUICK CUTS*Actress Kristen Bell is PETA's newest "
world's sexiest vegetarian" along with recording artist Prince. The animal rights group holds the online poll annually, and received 40,000 votes this year. Bell said in a statement about her decision to become a vegetarian: "I had a hard time disassociating the animals I cuddled with - dogs and cats, for example - from the animals on my plate, and I never really cared for the taste of meat. I always loved my brussels sprouts!" Natalie Portman, Nicollette Sheridan and Joaquin Phoenix were runners-up in the poll. Last year's recipients were
American Idol winner Carrie Underwood and Coldplay's Chris Martin.
*And finally, you love the TV show, but how about
Lost action figures? Touchstone Television is developing a line along with MacFarlane Toys of 6-inch action figures based on the characters of the hit show complete with props. Look for the figures to hit stores around the time of the show's 3rd season premiere this fall.
To get more of today's biggest TV news and headlines, visit the
TV News section at PassTheRemote.Net.
That's all for today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for thoughts from the newest
America's Next Top Model Danielle! Plus,
Idol and all the lastest television news!
To get more television coverage, including the network's new fall schedules and a complete archive of the best of Pass the Remote with a photo gallery featuring pictures from the set of Veronica Mars, click on over to PassTheRemote.net.