Sometimes it's difficult for us as Americans to understand why so many from other countries are willing to risk their lives, leave their families, and/or face horrendous retribution back home just to come to our country. We're so fortunate here because we
don't understand. This week's episode of
Cold Case made things a bit clearer as we saw things through the eyes of one of those people trying to come to this land and bring his family over. I don't know what it's like to live under a dictator, but I can imagine the sense of joy and relief Gonzalo must have felt when he made it safely to this country after a strenuous trip in a home-made raft across the Atlantic. He had come so far, accomplished so much only to be killed on the streets of Philly by his disturbed Cuban cousin. In a bit of poetic injustice, it was Gonzalo's journey to America that served as the catalyst for his death.
This episode was co-written by series star Danny Pino (himself, an American of Cuban descent), and I felt a lot of personal touches from the actor and his family's experiences throughout the outing. It was interesting to see his character Scotty seem so detached from his roots at first and then embracing his own Cuban ancestry at the end (the personal photo and the unopened champaign bottle in the fridge). Scotty's reaction to the case was in direct contrast to Pino's since the actor centered an episode around his roots. The personal touches in this one stood out and gave it some heart. In fact, they were my favorite part of the episode. I hope Pino tries his hand at writing again.

There was a lot of build-up to that softball game between the police department and the fire department, but unfortunately, there was little payoff. Just a few quick shots during the closing montage. I enjoyed the quips between Vera and everyone else throughout the episode, but I would have enjoyed a scene or two of the gang taking on the fire department (outside of the confines of the closing moments which feature no dialog). Knowing Vera, it would have been priceless.
This one falls squarely in the "liked it" category, so CC moves to 19-0-1 on the season. Screencaps courtesy of RichE.
I really didn't care for this one at all, but I did like Lilly's face about saying that she can't catch a ball. Hmm is that a reference to KM herself??
And the chess thing, hmm Lilly must have Cooper's chess skills at this to give the guy insight on a move.
Very nice choice of banner image. Lilly in non-work clothes, smiling broadly. Mmmm :-)
Did I recognise the jeans from Kathryn's ACMA promo shoot (the one with Reba McIntyre) and the top from "that scene" in Rampage?
The promo shots of the softball game flattered to deceive but I'd already guessed it would make an all too brief appearance. Shame :-(
It was interesting to watch the way that Lilly basically handed the interview baton over to Scotty. She got the ball rolling and literally stood back to give him room, and then, as Scotty talked about his family's experience, she was deep in thought. I presume it was partly in sadness over the story and also in recognition of what Scotty was doing: opening up about something personal to elicit a confession. As Lilly has done so often. Nicely done, and acted, by all.
Overall the episode was not a "best ever", it was not a surprising result (I was hoping the wife did it), but it was all very well done. Another case of CC giving a slice of US history.
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