PTR Senior Staff Writer
Well, that was even quicker.
I can't quite say that if you blinked, you would've missed Kathy Baker's guest appearance on Saving Grace ('cause she was in two episodes, and her role was significant). But, I do feel kind of as if we saw both she and Christina Ricci fly through the show like they were in the 10 items or less line.
Make that three episodes or less.
Such good actresses. So little time.
That said, I have to give the Saving Grace folks credit for having the Maggie character turn out to be a bit of a schemer - and arguably the worst kind of schemer (not that there are any GOOD kinds). Someone who blows into town to prey on the victims of tragedy, like 9/11 or the Oklahoma City Bombing. But mostly, what I really enjoyed about both the Baker and Ricci characters is they brought out the best in Grace - the older, wiser, more mature, protective and focused Grace as opposed to ... well, you know.
This is why I'll miss them.
I just find this show so much more interesting when Grace is forced to act like an adult. Yes, she's still pretty ballsy. Yes, she's still a spitfire. Yes, she tends to always lean toward her wild-child side. But it CAN be kept in check, it CAN be put aside, and she CAN actually seem worthy of the last chance Angel that has yet to abandon her in the whole of her wild child.
In fact, they've almost become friends - each learning a bit more about each other this season. I have enjoyed even seeing THAT relationship mature.
Hmmm, key word here is mature, yes?
And I haven't talked much of late about Laura San Giacomo, but can I just get a high-five on Rhetta once again? Seriously, she does remain one of my most favorite characters in this series for an umpteen number of reasons I've already stated (she holds Grace accountable, believes in Earl, is all about the greater good, is fun to watch). But I confess I really loved her this week opposite Leon Cooley, reading his last meal request. She hardly said anything, yet there was something so poignant and powerful in the single tear running down her face.
Speaking of Leon ... so it all comes down to the finale next week, eh? He has failed to be granted clemency, yet if we are to believe the previews, Grace is going to have some sort of last word on THAT.
And I'm actually looking forward to it.
Maybe, just maybe, she'll finally learn the lesson that seems to have been set in motion since way back in season one.
I find myself hoping she will Or at least end the season on a strong note for growth NEXT season.

Previously on the television angel landscape, there was an angel named Monica who visited us Sunday nights on CBS. Love her / not love her / don't care / didn't pay attention, Monica was THE angel on TV for a decade.
Now last night, Leon asks Angel Earl if he's ever been in the whole death row inmate situation. And Earl, much to my surprise, says no.
Score one for Monica.
She DID have a death row assignment that she had to see carried out. And no one came in granting clemency - Governor or otherwise.
Death Row Inmate Assignments: Miss Wings 1, Angel Earl 0.
On that fact alone, Monica outranks Earl.
Then again, I might be a wee bit biased. (No, really?)
The spring season finale of Saving Grace airs next Monday at 10 p.m. on TNT. You can watch full episodes of the show anytime over on the show’s official Web site. You can also visit EmbraceYourGrace.com to share your stories of how you embrace your inner-Grace.
1 comment:
I am really liking the Leon story line, and when it first appeared last season I didn't care much for it. It was interesting as to why Leon and Grace are connected, but beyond that nothing. Now it is interesting in its own right. I still don't see the Leon/Grace connection, beyond both needing a last chance angel.
On the other hand, I didn't care for the Maggie story at all.
Among Grace's many faults (which make her interesting) is her feeling that she is entitled to do as she pleases. Being right about Maggie just reinforces that feeling. To paraphrase a line from "The Mosquito Coast", she is that most dangerous of persons - a know-it-all who is sometimes right.
I hope the previews are wrong (both I fear they are not) and Grace doesn’t stop the governor’s motorcade to plead for clemency for Leon. That is a grandstand gesture that shouldn’t work and is a substitute for Grace actually doing something earlier when it might have been useful.
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