I was so glad to have my
Cold Case back that this week's episode could have sucked and I still would have loved it (luckily for the rest of you, it didn't). Couple that with the fact that this ongoing writers strike leaves us with only one more episode (by my count - let's hope I'm wrong), and you get the perfect situation for the crime drama because they can do no wrong this week or in two weeks. Seriously, I'm holding on so tightly to these final new episodes that the heaping dose of strike reality we're about to get is going to have to pry my fingers off of them. Oh, I'm going to miss my Lilly and co. Reruns on TNT (and most likely CBS as well), are going to be lifesavers during these troubling times, but it won't be

the same. Anyway, this week's outing was one of those episodes that focuses on the killer rather than the victim (or in this case, victims). I always like these sorts of stories because they're more psychological than the typical whodunit formula. When
Psych's Lassie (Timothy Omundson) popped up on screen, my antenna was raised and I tried to do my best Shawn and Gus observation skills, but it turned out that he was innocent. His brother -- not so much.

Speaking of Alessandro, his own tragic story caused me to feel very torn about this case. I was horrified for the victims of the music box bombings (the poor soldier who can't wear his new wedding ring because the lower part of his arm is now blown off and the young Big Box employee both broke my heart), but Alessandro's story left me with such a feeling of deep sadness. He had everything and lost it all: his job, his house, his wife and worst of all, his young daughter to cancer. And while none of it is the fault of his victims, it's easy to see where all of these events collectively could warp someone's mind to believe that others were to blame. The loss of his daughter was devastating and it left a void so big that he wanted his own brother

to feel the same emptiness. My heart was in my throat during those final minutes when we weren't sure where the bomb was, then it was with Luke's daughter and THEN it went off!! My stomach was in knots as we watched Lilly pull up to that home not knowing what she'd find. Thankfully, Vera and Kat got to Luke's family before the bomb went off, but it had to be close. Too close.
LOVED: Stillman's conversation with Alessandro at the 20th Street Station, the heart-pounding sense of urgency, going inside Alessandro's head, seeing Lilly panic as she frantically called Vera to get Luke's family out of the house, the ending song "Apologize" by One Republic, and the acting on behalf of the entire cast (regular and guest).
Finally, am I the only one who doesn't like ADA Thomas?? She's always screwing over the CC detectives (not sure why Scotty likes her considering that he seems to be her favorite target). ADA Thomas aside, I LOVED this one, so CC moves to 12-0 on the season.
I don't like ADA Thomas at all. This episode seemed a little different than all the others for some reason. It was excellent though.
I thought it was a good ep, but I can't say I was wowed. The ending montage was really strong, and I always like the more urgent/race against time episodes. But for the most part, I felt there were too many names, places, scenarios and victims being thrown around, and I didn't quite get behind Alessandro's "gone postal" attitude. I sort of felt like, 'Hey, buddy, you're not the only one ever to be screwed over by one's job and one's life.' Thus, going from disgruntled worker to serial bomber didn't quite work for me. The ep almost seemed preachy, which generally turns me off.
And I guess I'm the only one left still OK with ADA Thomas. LOL! I still like that she's not a pushover and stands up to Scotty's machismo. She's a little self-centered on the job thing, but oh well. I think she's OK. :)
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