For six seasons, I have wondered how
Cold Case would handle a 2-parter. Would they do a closing montage? If so, what would it look like? Would it end in some sort of cliffhanger or just mid-story? I know it's silly, but I have always wanted to know if the writers could tackle this challenge considering the show's stringent formula. This week, I finally got these answers because we finally got a 2-parter. To answer the questions, yes we got a closing montage (sorta) and yes we got a cliffhanger. Thankfully, given the show's unknown status for next season, Lilly going off the bridge and plunging into the water was at the end of part 1 and not part 2 (in which case I would have had to make a personal visit to CBS corporate). The closing montage at the end of this episode, however, wasn't your typical fare and as usual, I LOVED the break in format. This show is itching to spread its wings and whenever it does, I'm pleased with the result. Of course, the fact the entire episode/story is 100% Lilly-focused isn't hurting my impression of the outing thus far.
This 2-parter business puts my typical write-up on the episode into a bit of a quandary. I don't want to judge the outing based on only seeing half of it, so I'll reserve overall judgement until next week. Let's go with what we have so far and where we think it's all leading. This show is always a little wishy-washy when it deals with military stories. I always feel like they're playing off of stereotypes and not the actual brave men and women who constitute the United States military, and frankly, it irks me to no end. But then again, the show has Stillman and his pride for his country and the time he spent in the armed forces, so I applaud that olive branch. Still, it would be nice if they told a military-related story that wasn't so cliched. Maybe next week's conclusion will surprise me.

Next, we have a very brave young woman who was murdered while attending PMI. My guess, it's not the saber-wielding bathroom attacker. I know he's the obvious choice and I liked the way Lil figured that out at the end, but this is precisely why I think he's the "scare 'em off" type and not the "murder and stuff the body in the PMI box" type. And then there's Lil's personal connection to the case -- she has walked a mile in this woman's shoes (sorta). She was the first female detective in homicide. She listened to the sexist remarks. She was left to fend for herself with a dangerous suspect when a chauvinistic superior decided that he didn't have her back. Like Kate, she didn't report it because she knew it would only make matters worse. We witnessed a lot of the crap she took back in the first season. One of the "good old boys" said that she was assigned cold cases because she's a woman and women do the dusting. So, she gets it. Plus, she's still reeling from her last encounter with her father. It seems he sent her a letter (I paused the DVR, but most of the letter was obstructed -- I managed to get something about two sides to every story, he had to leave her mother, he has wanted to reconnect and of course, a reference to that now-famous bike he left her on the front step -- hopefully, we'll get more on this next week), but whether the letter has any effect remains to be seen.
There were also a couple of developments on the couples front. Frankie left her husband, but Scotty doesn't seem too interested. Unfortunately for him, she was none too pleased and she sorta-kinda turned into a scary person with stalker-ish vibes when she stormed out of PPD. Meanwhile, my couple meter was way off because the ADA wasn't putting the moves on Lil a few weeks ago, but he was putting them on Kat. The two have dinner and a concert lined up for the weekend.
This episode jump started some interesting story lines and I'm excited to see where they all lead next week. Somebody has to get Lilly out of that car in the bottom of the river -- STAT! The conclusion of the 2-part Cold Case finale airs Sunday night on CBS. Screencaps courtesy RichE.
EDIT: LII at Look Again (and a frequent commenter here at PTR) has posted a really good translation of the letter over at the message board HERE. (h/t RichE)
This episode was more intense than "Stalker", but I think it had the right elements mixed in. Lilly's car going off the bridge really raised up the suspense factor.
It's a good thing that it's a two parter rather than a 2 hr episode.
OMG I never thought about Lilly in the car in the river for the season ender scene. That would have been cruel especially if it ends up next week's ep to be the very last of the series. Actually I was surprised to see them put Lilly in the river. It reminds me of her movie with Val Kilmer - Mindhunters. Like Sara in that movie, I believe Lilly will get out of the car safely. I knda don't know what could be left for the detectives to discover for another full hour but I hope it's as interesting as last night's episode.
Good episode.
Having read the "act of violence" references in the press releases I was expecting something but I did not think of that! CC is normally more "hands on" with its victims.
I think Lil's going to have to get herself (dripping wet... in a tight shirt...!) out of the car, unless a passing stranger saw the incident. Who knows she's there? I'm thinking she probably will survive though ;-)
Luckily Lilly and her father have been on such good terms recently or it could be an awkward reunion! :-)
I enjoyed what they did with the music as the car sank. It was probably supposed to sound dramatic and ominous but came across as a bit funny.
I've no real idea of the actual "do-er". Several "names" in the "I recognise him/her from something else so it must be them" category. Is the shower slasher the car crasher? Is that the same person as body burier?
I've managed to look at high quality video and can say that what LII2 posted over at Look Again is correct as best as I can tell.
I don't think they'll kill off her character, Kathryn isn't leaving the show.
Speaking of Kathryn, her boyfriend's daughter is slated to appear in the next episode. She already appeard in " Libertyville">
I think it is safe to assume that Lilly will be reasonably OK.
Must be a bit weird for David. He's dating a woman who plays a character his daughter is playing the younger version of.
I liked the ADA/Kat scene. "The Who?" She seemed so offended until he said he'd buy her food. A practical woman.
A couple of oddities I've noticed:
- Lilly put on quite bit of makeup between leaving the cafe and crashing off the bridge. May be she'll meet a nice doctor or fireman! :-)
- The book of cadets that Kat and Will had the same guy in twice under different names on opposite pages.
RichE wrote:
Lilly put on quite bit of makeup between leaving the cafe and crashing off the bridge. May be she'll meet a nice doctor or fireman! :-)
Hahahaha!! This is hilarious!
Thanks for the link to LII's translation of the letter. I just added an "EDIT" to the original post that includes the link for other PTR readers.
I was also very surprised that they put Lil into that river. My only thought about someone finding her is Scotty since she was in the middle of calling him when she was struck violently from behind. The impact knocked her phone out of her hand and across the dashboard! Maybe he'll be able to locate her from that missed call. I have no idea, though. I do suspect that the shower attacker is the one who pushed Lil off that bridge.
I suppose clean underwear is out of the question now though :-o
I do fear for the potential eco-disaster if all of Lilly's makeup gets washed off in the river :-)
For those interested here is a link to an image of the letter:
That's what I was thinking also TVFAN, perhaps Scotty picked up just as she was being hit. He might have heard Lilly react. Who knows right.
As for KM's Boyfriends daughter being on CC, there's an article posted about it over at Look Again in the KM thread
I think you're right about the phone TVFan. The way that such a feature was made of the phone going into the corner, still open, would suggest it is key. If Scotty did pick up then he will have heard the splash and will guess where Lilly is.
It's like the repeating what Lilly did in stalker Saying" Hey", which Scotty had told her to do if she needed him..
Perhaps Lilly knew before she had been hit that she was in danger, and that she needed Scotty. Why not call him in the diner where it was safe?
Perhaps he's not going to be the only who does( No spoilers) but perhaps this was put in as a set up to boost the intensity level.
Have they released the trailer for next week's episode yet?
yes they have
Does anyone have a link to view the trailer for 'Into the Blue'? I live in the UK and I can't see it on official sites.... any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much! I don't know how I'm going to get through until next week...
Some promo pictures are up at cbspressexpress.com, this next episode looks very intense
Thanks for all of the great links, guys! I can't wait for the conclusion Sunday night. :0)
Again, do you know if they are available or could be posted somewhere for a non-US person to see the promo shots? The above link gave me a 'Forbidden'! :(
If I'm able to find the promo shots, I'll post them over at Look AGAIN in the spoiler section.
Sorry, I know this isn't the right place to do this, but I can't seem to get my registration at Look Again to work. I've emailed the admin people at the yahoo address.... Do you know how I could get in touch with them?
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