PTR Fave Kathryn Morris attended Thursday night's
Terminator Salvation premiere in Los Angeles. Here are a few photos of the
Cold Case star from the event (HUGE thanks to
RichE for providing the beautiful photos):

Cold Case just wrapped its 6th season this past Sunday. To help make sure that the finale was a
season finale and not a
series finale,
sign the petition and join
the email campaign to save
Cold Case.
I also posted a ton of pictures over at Look Again
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
I think that about sums it up!
I've been trying to come up with a clever Terminator related comment but I can't seem to get past "I need your clothes". I'm sure there is more to that line but it probably isn't important anyway :-)
Or we could go with a caption instead. How about: "The T-2000, aka The LillyBot, employs a new tactic to stop John Connor."
Obbessing much RichE, I think her dress is so beautiful on her. If only Kathryn was dressed up for an Emmy, it would be nice.
>'Or we could go with a caption >instead. How about: "The T-2000, >aka The LillyBot, employs a new >tactic to stop John Connor."'
With all due respects, but if Summer Glau can't stop John Connor, then LillyBot doesn't have a chance.
With all due respect, Cameron was not sent from the future to stop John. If 'she' was then I'm sure she would have succeeded as we saw she did a pretty (pun intended) good job of getting his attention.
And, I've changed my mind, it should be the T-XXX, not T-2000.
Auiello, who everyone seems to treat as gospel, is saying CC has been renewed:
http://ausiellofiles.ew.comYay! More Kathryn!
Damn! That looked fine in the preview! Definitely a bug!
Yay for more Kathryn though!
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