I'm sorry it has taken me so long to finally post this final sign-off. I had planned to finish out the regular season of Ice Road Truckers and then finish PTR, but time got away from me -- FAST! In any event, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has helped with PTR over the last 5 years. HUGE thank yous to:
Senior staff writer LillyKat for all of your wonderful posts, interviews and web help.
All of the staff writers who have contributed over the years especially Trublu.
My fellow TV bloggers who have linked to, promoted and supported this site.
Kathryn Morris's biggest fan RichE from Kathryn Morris UK for all of the "Kathryn scoop" and photos.
Look Again for all of the Cold Case help and support.
All of the networks, including broadcast, cable and premium, who have supplied this site with info and news about our favorite shows.
The wonderful folks at Veronica Mars who allowed me and a small group of regular old bloggers to visit their set.
The PR folks who gave us opportunities for interviews and scoops.
All of the shows, actors, writers, etc. who have helped along the way.
And last, but most certainly not least, thank you so much to all of the readers. Your comments and support have kept this site fun and interesting. It has truly been so much fun to do this blog. If you'd like to continue getting (shortened) news and thoughts on the new TV news, follow PTR on Twitter for. Happy TV viewing!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
'Ice Road' Melting
Normally, I'm glued to the drivers and the perilous conditions they drive through on the mighty Dalton Highway in Alaska. But this week, I was completely transfixed by the folks who work hard to keep the Dalton up and running and make sure it's safe (as safe as an iced-over road with steep drop-offs can be anyway). Whether it was the people dishing out the violations to perennial violator Hugh and a newcomer to the citation game or the Alaska DOT worker known as "K Bear" who had one of the scariest jobs I've seen (and that's saying a lot for a road that has an avalanche crew) -- this week was all about the behind-the-scenes people who keep everything running so that important supplies can get to the North Slope. The theme of the week was melting ice, and as we learned in this one, the simple act of snow and ice turning into water isn't just a welcoming sign of impending spring.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
PTR Announcement
Dear Readers,
As the summer comes to a close and the new fall season approaches, exciting times are ahead. We will soon eagerly welcome back our favorite shows and characters and make room on our TV schedules for new favorites. Like many of you, I am excited to see the return of my faves (most notably Bones, which returns in 1 week), and I'm still deciding which new shows to add to my "Season Pass" list on my DVR. Over the last five years, Pass the Remote has been covering many of those old and new favorites along with some TV news and specials peppered in. It has been such a joy to write my thoughts down about something that I truly love: Television. So, this is a decision I have not made lightly. At the close of the summer season, I will no longer be updating and/or blogging about television here at PTR. Changes in my own life (all good) have caused me to not be able to dedicate the time and resources I would like (and that you have rightfully come to expect) to updating and maintaining this site.
I will still be watching my favorite shows and might even post a special write-up from time to time if a particular episode takes me out of TV blogger retirement, but officially speaking, PTR will go dark at the end of the summer season. For those of you who follow PTR on Twitter, I will continue to post short thoughts and TV news regularly over there. For those who do not follow PTR, but would like to, click the link on the side bar or find me HERE. This site will stay up as an archive, so all of PTR's past writings will be accessible at all times.
Thank you all, dear readers, for allowing me to write about something that I love for the last five years. When I set out to create this blog, I wasn't expecting anything from it, but I have gotten so much from all of you throughout the years. Thank you to all of the networks, PR people, shows, actors, writers, etc. who have helped me along the way. A special HUGE thank you to the wonderful folks at Veronica Mars who allowed me and a small group of regular old bloggers to visit their set and spend the day getting an inside look at one of my favorite shows of all-time. It has been so much fun to do this blog and I will miss it. But, good things are on the horizon and a new TV season is about to begin, and I will be watching this one as a regular TV fan for the first time in years. When the summer season has officially ended, I will post a final goodbye. Until then, we have an all-new episode of Ice Road Truckers to look forward to this Sunday! We'll discuss on Monday.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Convoy on 'Ice'
Well Ice Road Truckers fans, we've got ourselves a convoy! I know it's highly doubtful that Carlile coincidentally chose only the stars of the series to run this convoy to Nuiqsut, but I don't care. I LOVED the fact that they all traveled together, got stranded in Prudhoe together, and ventured out onto the river ice together. Of course, there were some tense moments between the drivers, but there were some fabulous bonding ones as well. One such moment happened in one of the most remote places on earth and involved a unique native tradition and an even more unique menu. But first, the drivers had to make it 500 miles through some pretty hairy conditions and then across weakening river ice.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Live and Let Spy
I'm sure everyone is still buzzing about THAT moment from Psych's summer finale this week. BUT, I was left a little underwhelmed by it and I'm not exactly sure why. We've been watching the romantic tension between Shawn and Jules build over the course of the seasons. We've been rooting for Shawn to finally get the girl. We've rooted for Juliet to get her moment. But now that the two shared a momentous kiss just as she was about to jet off to the Amalfi coast with Declan, I'm not all that satisfied. To be clear, I wouldn't be anymore satisfied if Jules had ditched the Amalfi (and Declan) for Santa Barbara and Shawn (after all, it is a "beach community"). Maybe it was the sorta cliche way in which Jules finally learned the truth or the kinda overused finale tactic of having Jules heading off with another man but thinking that she might be making a mistake just as the episode (and the season) came to a close. I don't know, but the story line has a big question mark hanging over it for me and I don't think I'll make a final decision on it until we see more in November. In the meantime, let's focus on the funny from this otherwise excellent finale in this week's edition of "The Funny, The Funnier and OK, For Real, My Side Just Split" after the jump.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
'Ice Road' Racing
On the Dalton, racers never win. Especially when one of those racers is a rookie who spent some serious time in a ditch just one episode ago and he's racing one of the biggest cowboys to ever drive the Dalton (at least out of those whom we've seen on IRT). Ray was kinda doomed the moment Hugh passed him, but trying to reclaim his lead while driving in the southbound lane while climbing a steep hill sealed his fate. Not to mention raised a red flag with the Carlile management back in Fairbanks. I'm wondering if Hugh will get in trouble as well since he is already on a sort of probation. While Ray and Hugh were raising up the Dalton, Jack was pushing a HUGE load up it with the return of my new favorite ice road tactic: Push-Trucking.
Friday, August 27, 2010
PTR Reveals the Best Episode of the Season!
We have made it through the summer-long countdown! This can mean only one thing: it's time to reveal the #1 Best Episode of the Season!! For the final time, here's a look at the rules for this year's winners. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. Since this was a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, we revealed a few each week all summer. Before we get to numbers 3-1, here's a quick review of numbers 28-4 after the jump.
Monday, August 23, 2010
'Ice Road' Ditch
What is it they always say? Oh, right... pay back's a b*tch! Of course, they also say that there are two kind of drivers on the Dalton: those who have been in a ditch and those heading into one. Both of these little pearls of wisdom apply to Ray's unfortunate incident during this week's episode of Ice Road Truckers. Thankfully, no one was injured and considering the amount of people who die every year on the Dalton for taking their eyes off the road for a split second, that's saying a lot. Ray wasn't the only driver having a bad trip, though. Two others found themselves struggling with their loads and one wound up in a bit of hot water upon his return to Fairbanks. But, Ray's trip into the ditch was the night's scariest mishap.
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Countdown Enters the Home Stretch
The finish line is in sight this week as we wind down our summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season! Before we get to the #1 episode next week, we have three awesome episodes to tied you over. But before we get to them, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Friday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 6-4.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Countdown Gets Emotional
Single digits, Y'all!!! That's right, this week on the summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season we finally hit the single digits with three episodes that were heavy on the emotion. But before we get to them, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Friday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 9-7.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Blood 'Road'
The promo for this week's episode of Ice Road Truckers promised that there "will be blood." And while the circumstances surrounding that story were as crazy and convoluted as the movie by that title, thankfully, it didn't leave me with the same underwhelmed, disturbed feeling as the film. But let's face it, that bloody encounter on the side of the Dalton was just weird. Alex wasn't the only driver having a strange week, though. Greg was fighting to keep his job, Lisa was afraid that a scary accident was going to derail her career after coming off of such a huge accomplishment last week, and Ray was just hoping to live to truck another day. It was just another bizarre and dangerous day on the Dalton.
Friday, August 06, 2010
The Countdown Reaches the Top 10
We are more than halfway through the summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season. This week, there are three episodes with some pretty profound moments. You know the kind -- the ones you have to rewind your DVR to watch a few times before what just transpired sinks in. But before we get to them, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Friday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 12-10.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
When Cougars Attack
It was Shawn and Gus vs. Lassie and Jules this week on Psych. There is only one word that can describe this match-up: HILARIOUS!! Each team thought their suspect was the killer and each was eager to prove they were right. Well, let's just be honest here: It was really Shawn and Lassie. Gus and Jules were just along for the ride. Shawn and Lassie were hell-bent on beating the other to the real killer. Thankfully, this match-up didn't lead to the huge screw-ups of the Shawn/Jules vs. Gus/Lassie experiment from a few weeks back. But that doesn't mean that this one was any less hilarious. And now, here's a look at some of the best moments in this week's edition of "The Funny, The Funnier and OK, For Real, My Side Just Split" after the jump.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Push 'Truckers'
Ice Road Truckers certainly hit the mother load this week! I can't believe that I have yet another thing to add to the top of my list of elements that make for the best episodes of this fan-freakin-tastic show (alongside wicked weather and avalanches). It's hard to believe that we keep getting introduced to more challenges on the Dalton. You'd think after a spectacular freshman run last season that we would have seen it all, but this season has been full of surprises and edge-of-your-seat moments. In short, it has been AWESOME!! This week, we witnessed something that was one step beyond "I've seen it all." It was so outrageous, so intense, and so large that I found myself actually getting a stomach ache just watching some of the scenes involving it unfold. So, just what was so awesomely-horribly-terrific? Only the biggest load of the season.
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Countdown Dips into the Top 15
It's time to crack the Top 15 on the summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season. This week, we focus on a hilarious scene involving a Storm Trooper, a trip to the wild west and a thrilling chase scene. But before we get to them, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Friday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 15-13.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
(Not So) Close Encounters
Was I the only one humming The X-Files theme song during the opening scenes of this week's episode of Psych? I was literally humming it out loud while the lawyer and his associate were outside the house shielding their eyes from the bright light of the "UFO" hovering over them. Maybe it's just me, but I thought this was one of the coolest, funniest episodes of the series! Everything about it was so incredibly well-done and the interaction between Shawn and Gus was even more hilarious than usual. Throw in an intriguing alien story and a surprise ending for Shawn and Gus's high school friend Dennis, and you get one heckuva hour! And now, here's a look at some of the best moments in this week's edition of "The Funny, The Funnier and OK, For Real, My Side Just Split" after the jump.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
'Bones' At Comic-Con
Bones at Comic-Con (from L to R: creator Hart Hanson, Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz. Photo: Fox)
Bones stars Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz joined showrunner Hart Hanson at the annual Comic-Con event in San Diego last week. The trio took questions, chatted with the press and signed autographs for fans during a meet and greet session. They didn't spill too many season 6 secrets, but they did set the scene for the dynamic between Booth and Bones when the season starts up in September. As you'll recall, the pair had parted ways for a year to pursue other interests -- he was going to train soldiers in Afghanistan and she was participating in an important find in Indonesia. They promised to meet at their spot on the Washington Mall in one year. We were left wondering if the pair's absence would make their hearts grow fonder or tear them further apart. Find out what's in store for these two after the jump (WARNING: SPOILERS CAN BE FOUND AFTER THE JUMP).
Monday, July 26, 2010
Avalanche 'Road'
For those of us who do not live in avalanche danger zones, it's easy to underestimate their tremendous, deadly power. Recently, I took a fabulous vacation to Montana. During my stay, I learned all about the scary process of trying to ski the bowls at the top of the state's mighty mountains. I heard about testing the snow before skiing down and the thought of it made me shiver and question whether I'd want to go back in the winter and ski one (and I love to ski!). The folks on the Dalton Highway don't have much of a choice. If they want to stay employed, they have to travel through Atigun Pass where the threat of avalanches always looms. Luckily, there are good people like Reid Bahnson out there to prevent as many tragic avalanches as possible. This week, however, he was a little too close to the action, and one of the drivers was a little too close to becoming another white cross on the side of the road.
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Countdown Continues
So far, the summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season has showcased thrills and emotionally-charged moments, but this week, things are taking a more profound turn. These episodes certainly gave us something to think about well after the closing credits. But before we get to them, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Friday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 18-16.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Happy Feet
As much as I LOVE Shawn and Gus working together on Psych, I have to admit, this week's switch-up was HI-LARIOUS! Those four where so concerned with beating each other that they practically blew the entire case. At one point, they actually did blow the entire case! While Jules was focusing on catching a murderer, Shawn was distracted with beating Gus. And then, all four of them were consumed with the prospect of being the first team to solve the case. What they failed to realize is that it's the four of them working together as a team that solves the cases each week. So for the sake of the fine residents of Santa Barbara, I'm glad this little partner swap experiment ran its course by the end of the hour. In the meantime, it served for so many funny moments. And now, here's a look at some of those funny moments in this week's edition of "The Funny, The Funnier and OK, For Real, My Side Just Split" after the jump.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Hitchhiker's Guide to the 'Ice Road'
No one can deny that Alex Debogorski is a nice guy. He's the type who would give you the shirt off of his back if you needed it and I love him for that, but this week, he might have been a little too nice. I remember my dad hitchhiking after our family car broke down when I was very young, but that was 20 + years ago, and let's face it, the world is a different place. Thankfully, his hitchhiker was a bit strange, but harmless. After that entire bizarre exchange, I was left wondering just one little thing: Why in the world was he hitchhiking on the Dalton in 55-below temperatures??!! Yikes! The hitchhiker incident wasn't the only strange occurrence in this week's episode, though. In fact, the entire hour was a different sort of outing all together. But there was one part that was more cool than strange and it had nothing to do with hitchhikers.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Birthday Wishes
PTR Fave Kristen Bell celebrates a birthday today!
For her 30th birthday this year, Kristen is asking everyone to donate to MyCharity:Water. All donations will fund clean water projects in developing nations. Kristen writes, "45,000 people will die this week alone from contaminated water illnesses. Y’ALL, LETS GET OFF OUR HINEYS AND FIX THIS. Please help me get to my goal of 100K and let’s have a clean water toast." To make a donation for Kristen's 30th birthday, visit MyCharity:Water.org. And be sure to check out Kristen on the big screen this fall in her new comedy You Again.
For her 30th birthday this year, Kristen is asking everyone to donate to MyCharity:Water. All donations will fund clean water projects in developing nations. Kristen writes, "45,000 people will die this week alone from contaminated water illnesses. Y’ALL, LETS GET OFF OUR HINEYS AND FIX THIS. Please help me get to my goal of 100K and let’s have a clean water toast." To make a donation for Kristen's 30th birthday, visit MyCharity:Water.org. And be sure to check out Kristen on the big screen this fall in her new comedy You Again.
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Countdown Intensifies
This week, the summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season cracks the Top 20 with more fabulous outings. But before we get to them, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Friday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 21-19.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Heavy Hauls & Close Calls
Next to wicked weather, my second favorite type of episodes of Ice Road Truckers are the ones where Lisa gets heavy hauls. The oversized loads give her cred and help her build up her resume as one of the most dependable drivers on the Dalton. Plus, she just gets so darn excited about getting the confidence-building assignments! With heavy hauls, virtually everything becomes a difficult obstacle and that's before the truck even leaves the town of Fairbanks. Plus, heavy hauls lead to some of the most intense non-weather moments on the show. This week, however, the scariest and biggest edge-of-your-seat scene was courtesy of a very surprising source.
Friday, July 09, 2010
The Countdown Gets Moving
Last week, PTR kicked off the summer-long countdown of the Best Episodes of the Season with FOUR great episodes. This week, we're back to the countdown's usual 3 episodes/week format and we have three fabulous outings that moved us (almost to tears at times). But before we get to them, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Friday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 24-22.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
BREAKING NEWS: Emmy Noms Announced
I know what you're thinking, "But PTR, you don't cover the Emmys. You have a long-standing boycott of these predictable TV awards." And while you are absolutely correct, I am officially ending the boycott this year. Why, you ask? Because the reason for the boycott has been broken. Long-time readers will remember that I stopped covering the awards because of their continued egregious snub of Friday Night Lights. And while the show still didn't get a best drama nod, its two stars Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton finally got best actor/actress nominations!! I know, I couldn't believe it either. In fact, I re-read the story just to be sure. Overall, Glee received the most nominations with 19 followed by Mad Men with 17. HBO led the pack with 101 total nods. New series The Good Wife and Modern Men also received nominations. To see the complete list of the main nominees, keep reading after the jump.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Summer TV Heats Up
Thermostats across the country might have been saying summer for a few weeks now, but TV sets have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of summer TV. That wait is about to end when many of our favorites begin returning next week (and a few potentially new faves). They'll join other PTR summer faves Ice Road Truckers, Deadliest Catch and So You Think You Can Dance in heating up our television screens for the rest of the summer season. Today, PTR takes a closer look at what to expect when some of summer's best returning and promising new shows make their debut. And it all begins next week with the kick off of several faves.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Bell 'Again'!
For those of us still missing the fabulous Veronica Mars (and watching the DVDs over and over again while running on the treadmill every day is beginning to make you worry that you just might wear them out someday and THAT would be a major catastrophe -- Oh, that's just me? Never mind then), good news about her fabulous portrayer Kristen Bell. Her new movie You Again has a premiere date, poster and trailer!! The poster to the left is courtesy of Kristen-B.net. In the comedy, Kristen plays a young career woman whose brother is getting married. But when she realizes that the woman he's marrying is the same person who made her life miserable in high school, she sets out to reveal the woman's true colors. It also stars Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigourney Weaver and the always hilarious Betty White. It doesn't come out until September, so we have a couple months to wait (which is good because I'm almost at the end of season 2 where Veronica has figured out that Weevil was somehow involved in Thumper's "disappearance" and she's trying to tie the Fitzpatricks to the bus crash, so this should give me time to wrap up seasons 2 and 3 plunging me into a Veronica void which should be somewhat filled by this Kristen Bell movie -- Again, just me?). In any event, check out the trailer after the jump.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Off Duty 'Trucker'
I mentioned this a few weeks ago, but I figured since we don't have a new episode of Ice Road Truckers to discuss this week, it's worth a bigger mention. Fellow IRT fans know that Lisa Kelly is one badass mother-trucker out there on the Dalton. She navigates through the dangerous haul road to carry supplies from Fairbanks to the oil-rich Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean. She carries super-heavy chains and attaches them to the tires of her big rig (something that proves challenging to some of her male counterparts). And, she endures her share of ribbing from the boys on the Dalton (whether it's blocking out mean radio traffic or having to work harder to prove herself). She does it all with a smile on her face. Recently, though, Esquire magazine highlighted Lisa's softer, more girly side when they named her "The Sexiest Trucker Alive." Check out whether she's a country or city girl, how she got into trucking and how she feels about her new celeb trucker status after the jump.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Ready, Set, COUNTDOWN!
This season, we made awesome new friends, but sadly, we also said goodbye to some old ones. It was an uneven season that gave us a ho-hum first half and a kickass second. There were ups and downs and laughs and tears and overall, this recently concluded season was strong. But the '09-'10 season is wrapped and in the books, so this means PTR's popular Best Episodes of the Season summer-long countdown is just beginning. PTR has come up with another great list. Before we get to that, though, we have to go over the rules for the countdown. We ended up with 28 incredible episodes that demonstrate the diversity and quality of the current television state. The shows and their episodes are from both NETWORK and CABLE television. All episodes aired between June 2009 and June 2010. Each episode that made the final list moved us in some way; either by making us laugh out loud, cry our eyes out or just left us with that "wow" feeling that stays with you for a few days. So basically, it's completely subjective! Since this is a summer-long countdown to the number 1 episode, PTR will reveal a few each week all summer. So, be sure to tune in every Friday to find out which episodes are on the countdown! Today, we're going to take a look at numbers 28-25.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
It's Complicated
This week, In Plain Sight wrapped up its third season, and now that it's over, I can officially proclaim it uneven. There were great moments and then there was the terrible decision to have Mary and Marshall work separate cases for more than one episode this season. If nothing else, I hope the show gets constructive feedback on that decision and abandons it next season. But I digress. This week, we have an interesting finale to discuss. There was a shoot-out, a priest on the run, Marshall getting this close to pouring out his heart and Mary leaving us all shocked at the end.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Riders in the Storm
There is only one thing better than a new episode of Ice Road Truckers: a new episode that deals with wicked weather! A blizzard that blows so hard truckers can't see the road right in front of them, dangerous drifts pile up faster than Alaska state DOT teams can clear them, deadly avalanches could strike at any moment and Atigun Pass closes stranding drivers in Coldfoot (the lucky ones) or in their cabs along the deadly Dalton. In the last post, I mentioned that "rely on the delineators" is my new least favorite phrase, but this week, the truckers couldn't even see them to rely on them! They were basically traversing the section from Atigun to Prudhoe on a wing and a prayer at best. As you can imagine, the dangerous weather elicited different reactions from the different drivers. One driver decided to take a risk while another played it safe. One stuck with a convoy and another tried to live down a new dubious reputation. And one driver had a moment that was a little too livin' on the edge -- and that was before he reached the storm.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Happy Reunions
I have so much love for this week's episode of In Plain Sight! It's my pick for best of the season thus far. Maybe it was the simple fact that Mary and Marshall were working together on the same case at the same time, or maybe, that was just the icing on the cake. Of course watching them together reminded me once again how we've been cheated this season with them working separately, but I didn't care because I was so excited to have them together again. I watched most of the episode with my fingers crossed because I kept worrying that Marshall was going to get pulled to that other minor story involving the tip-happy witness that no one wanted to help. Thankfully, Charlie saved us all by taking an interest in that witness and stumbling upon a shocking discovery. But the thing that made this episode stand out was the story surrounding the witness-of-the-week. It was an emotional ride that had me hooked from that first moment outside the library until the warmed-even-Mary's-heart ending.
Monday, June 14, 2010
'Truckers' Get Dealt a Blow
Hands clenched, sweat beading up on the back of your neck, knuckles quickly turning white... and that was just my reaction while watching those white-out conditions (or, as Alaskans call it, "a blow") during the second episode of History Channel's excellent Ice Road Truckers this week. I can't even imagine how the drivers were feeling! Seriously, the phrase "rely on the delineators" might be my new least favorite saying. Sister show Deadliest Catch (which I also love) puts me on the edge of my seat, but this show does something to me that no other show can: it transports me to the Dalton and puts me right there in that cab with the drivers whose every decision could be the difference between life and death. It's that serious and it's that scary. Just ask the driver who found himself on the very fortunate side of fate this week.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
'Plain' Old Truth
Who would have thought that Mary would find herself in her latest witness? The woman, Judy, had Asberger's (it must be the special needs du jour for the TV world) and Mary was told to handle her with kid gloves, no sarcasm, and to keep everything fair. So basically, she couldn't be her usual sarcastic, hard truth self. After taking this advice for most of the hour, Mary finally ditched it and decided to be herself and let Judy know what was really at stake no matter how hard it was to take. It worked, and the realization allowed Mary to see that she and Judy aren't that different. Mary likes the truth -- not sugar-coated or twisted -- just the straight truth. She doesn't appreciate BS and doesn't want people shielding her from the hard truth. It was an interesting parallel and made for an excellent story line. Despite the great Mary story, there was still one downer about this episode and it's the same downer that has been hanging over the show most of this season.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Don't Stop Believin'
I liked Glee when it first premiered. I loved it when it returned after a way-too-long hiatus. But after this week's finale, I (heart) it so much words cannot describe my warm and fuzzy feelings for this show. Every scene was emotional, every Sue moment was HI-LARIOUS (and one was actually touching), every song was awesome and the surprises were perfect. In fact, the entire episode was kinda perfect. We even got an awesome Jesse solo (despite his evil, heart-breaking ways, I still adore his angelic voice). But the most exciting thing about this week's season ender for me was that fan-freakin-tastic Journey medley that New Directions performed at regionals. Oh. My. Steve Perry!! It was the greatest thing since, well, the last time Glee did Journey (a little awesome number called "Don't Stop Believing" during the series premiere). And then there was the night's biggest twist that led to a happy ending for several of our favorite characters.
Monday, June 07, 2010
'Ice Road' Open
On the road again! Dalton Ace Jack Jesse, Alex Debogorski, Hugh "The Polar Bear" Rowland, and my girl Lisa Kelly are back on Alaska's Dalton Highway navigating treacherous conditions, steep passes and hairpin turns in order to bring much-needed supplies to the oil rigs up on Prudhoe Bay -- part of Alaska's oil-rich North Slope. And this TV fan couldn't be happier!! This season, two new drivers are joining the line-up: rookie Ray Vellieux and Greg Boadwine (who sat out most of last season after wrecking his load of pipe on the side of the road and narrowly escaping serious injury). Ray seemed to struggle a bit this week while Greg made it his mission to beat the Dalton Ace to Deadhorse. But new faces weren't the only changes this season because the show decided to up the ante a little by adding two new side roads along the Dalton. One is actually a trail (as in un-paved grassy/woodsy path through the woods) that involves crossing a frozen river and swamp land to get to the remote town of Bettles. The trail is the only way in or out of this town and it's only accessible 30 days out of the year! The other involves crossing river ice to reach the native village of Nuiqsut. And just in case this wasn't enough excitement to start the season, a trucker flipped right outside Deadhorse spilling his entire load of pipe and landing himself in the hospital. He wasn't the only close call, though.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
A Friend Indeed
In Plain Sight is not supposed to be sad! Mary's biting and charming wit is supposed to be cracking me up on Wednesday nights. Instead, her tears were causing my own eyes to well up there at the end. Having said that, it was nice to see the show's more emotional side this week. We're used to seeing it employed for Mary's personal story, but this episode's sadder notes dealt with the witness-of-the-week. Learning that Mia was dying from a terminal brain tumor certainly put a damper on things both logistically and emotionally. The prosecutor dropped her testimony and WITSEC sent her on her way, but Mary wasn't willing to leave her out in the cold. Mary always cares about her witnesses, but this one was special and she left a huge impact on Mary's life. Maybe that's why the ending was just so darn sad.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
'Glee' Has the Funk
Somebody has egg on their face today and it isn't Rachel! I totally, 100%, completely believed that Jesse St. James was a good guy. Maybe his sweet voice made me want to believe so badly that I finally did -- I don't know, but I was very wrong about him and I'm so, so bummed. In fact, I'm so bummed, I'm in a funk. Maybe I should try the Quinn panacea for getting out of a funk. Or maybe, I should just listen to Jesse sing "Hello" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart" over and over until it erases the bad taste of this week's events. I get it -- everyone deals with having to say goodbye in their own way. More than likely, Jesse's horrible behavior was his way of distancing himself from Rachel and focusing on beating her and New Directions at regionals next week, but seriously dude, FIND A BETTER WAY! Preferably one that doesn't break my Rachel's heart. Fortunately, there was one lasting moment at the end that almost made everything O.K.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Gaga for 'Glee'
If Lady Gaga and Glee aren't a match made in Heaven, I don't know what is! A show about the picked on social outcasts at a small town high school took on the music from the woman who champions the outcasts of society. Her dedicated fans lovingly call themselves her "Little Monsters," and more often than not, could each fill a book with their high school experiences. Much like the kids of Glee who have been called "freaks" more times than they care to remember. This is especially true for Kurt who took more than his fair share of crap this week for his love of all things Gaga. But, it was nice to see him back to expressing his true self and being happy with who he is instead of trying to be someone he thinks his father wants him to be (and MAJOR to kudos to his dad for defending him against Finn). This week, however, it might have been Rachel who was having the most difficult time.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
All in the Family
Count me among those who never saw it coming. Until Chuck was on the floor watching him bleed, I had absolutely no clue that the elder Bartowski was not going to live past this season's stellar finale. But before we get to that fateful moment, we should back-up and take a look at what led up to the face-off between Chuck and super baddie Shaw. We learned during the previous episode that Shaw was still alive, at least, we assumed as much after seeing him from behind and then seeing his picture on the screen as he gained access to the Intersect. This, of course, also let us know that he had the Intersect inside his head. This meant one thing: his brain was slowly being fried just like Chuck's and he, too, needed the one thing that could stop that process. Chuck's father had that one thing and the knowledge to build more. Thus, the showdown was set.
Monday, May 24, 2010
'Fringe' on Top
Three words: Best. Finale. YET!!! This was one of those hanging-on-every-word, glued to the edge of my seat, mouth and eyes wide open awesome thrill rides of an episode that demonstrated how a series should end its season. At this point, I can't imagine any show other than Lost topping this finale. We know this show has brilliant writers (how else can we explain the way the show makes the impossible completely possible and even, at times, probable?), but this week, they got to have some fun -- A LOT of fun!! Twists, turns, fight scenes, romantic scenes, explosions, tense moments and a quest to find Peter and get back to our universe were just some of the things that made this episode so freakin' wonderful. But it was the final scene that made our jaws drop and left us wondering how the writers are going to fix this huge issue next season.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Conflict of Interests
The title of this week's Bones finale says it all: "The Beginning in the End." At least, that's what I kept telling myself over and over again as I watched that heart-wrenching final scene unfold between Booth and Bones. Where the finale scene in the 100th was heartbreaking (as in, actually painful), this one was more hopeful. There was no denying Brennan's feelings as she and Booth said goodbye in the airport lobby. It's only a year, right? Like Booth said, what's a year in the grand scheme of things? And absence makes the heart grow fonder, so in reality, this separation could wind up being a very good thing. I know, I know -- I'm really sunny-siding this, but it's how I'm going to get through this very cruel, cruel summer. Before we arrived at that emotional scene at the end, there was a very interesting process that caused Booth and Bones to decide to leave their work (and more importantly, each other) for a year.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
'Sight's' Daddy Issues
Marshall's brand-new fancy cowboy boots: a lot of money. Putting a young witness through boarding school: even more money. Mary working with Marshall and his father: PRICELESS!! The pleasure she took in watching the Mann men interact was just too good to be missed. But it didn't stop there, Mary thoroughly enjoyed and took advantage of every moment she got to be a part of this family unit. It wasn't all fun and games, though, as Mary soon discovered that Marshall and his father have very different ideas on how to deal with criminals. And that difference came to a head over one of Marshall's witnesses and his young, troubled girlfriend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
'Glee's' Not So Impossible Dream
Neil Patrick Harris and finding out Jesse isn't bad all in the same episode??!! What did I do to Glee to deserve such awesomeness??!! The only thing missing from this episode was Jesse's sweet, sweet voice serenading me Rachel, but I'm going to overlook it this one time because of two incredible duets that made up for it: Rachel and Ms. Corcoran singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables and Will and Brian Ryan (NPH) singing Aerosmith's "Dream On." I think Glee might have crossed that threshold where actors (particularly those broadway-trained) and musical artists are lining up to be on the show. Idina Menzel has a recurring role and NPH made a guest appearance even though he has his own very successful comedy on CBS. I love it! But it wasn't just great guest stars and awesome duets this week. Rachel made quite the emotional journey and ended up uncovering a family secret.
BREAKING UPFRONTS NEWS: CBS Shuffles Schedule, Leaves 'Case' in the Cold

Lyin' and Spyin'
The Bartowski children sure lie to their dad about the most extreme stuff! Chuck lied about working for the CIA, being a spy (and not just an analyst -- awesome Jack Ryan reference, by the way) and having the Intersect 2.0 in his head. Meanwhile, Ellie was doing some lyin' and spyin' of her own. Most kids sneak out, lie about boyfriends/girlfriends and/or school, but not the Bartowkis (who, admittedly are a bit older than the usual lie-to-the-parents sort). Of course, their father has been lying to them for years. They didn't even know where the man lived! Once the secrets started coming out, though, things got interesting. Ellie's potentially deadly secret remains to be revealed, and it could land her dad and brother in some serious danger.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Baggage 'Mother' Load
For a lot of guys, being dragged to the latest rom-com is just about the worst form of torture, but imagine if that rom-com was actually a really bad movie about your life! Or in this case, one chapter of your life that led to some baggage that you still haven't been able to unload. And then imagine that the movie went on to become the 5th highest grossing movie of all-time and a box office blockbuster over seas. Welcome to Ted's life this week. I never liked the way things ended with Stella (that 2-minute date is still one of my top HIMYM moments), so re-living them this week was almost as painful for me as it was for Ted. Plus, as we've discussed in the comments here at PTR, I just feel like this show has lost some of what made it so good. The mama-drama is growing tired and I'm getting to the point where I feel the show needs to "pee or get off the pot." But I digress. This week, it was another girl, another failed relationship. This one, however, was going along fine until some rather large baggage got in the way.

It's day 2 of Network Upfronts week and ABC's turn to reveal its new Lost-less schedule. As we learned late last week, the alien thriller V will return (albeit later in the season) while fellow intrigue drama Flashforward will not. Staples Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice will return to Thursdays and Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters will remain on Sundays. Take a closer look at ABC's new fall schedule after the jump (NOTE: while V will return next season, it does not appear on the fall schedule indicating that it will premiere sometime later in the season).
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