Lost finally revealed how Locke ended up in a wheelchair, but it saved the biggest surprise for last. Here's what
Turtlemama and I have to say:
Turtlemama says: Lost has been found! HOORAY! Wednesday night’s
Lost really took us back to the reasons we started watching in the first place. Thanks
Lost people! Thanks a lost…er, lots.
This is mainly about Locke, ‘cause he’s always intrigued me, so I focused on that, there were other stories going on, I swear! I just was wrapped up with John and Ben, sorry!
We see that Kate finds Jack, but they are interrupted by The Others because Jack is being monitored. While Kate and Sayid are taken into custody Locke finds Ben and holds him hostage. It was all very exciting, actually! We learned Locke’s back story, how he lived before he was paralyzed and how he was paralyzed; by his own father (are we sure
that’s his father?). Locke and Ben connect in an interesting way, but we don’t really understand why they connect the way they do…until the end.
Locke tells Ben that he wants to blow up the sub so that no one can leave the island; that’s why he blew up the communications station…he didn’t want anyone to find them. I guess I could see how he’d like to be a recluse on an island that allows him to walk, but dang, I bet those
other people want to get the hell home, and FAST! But, they can’t…there’s no more sub, no more communication station and well..Locke is now on his island, being taken care of by The Others and life is good for him, right? Sort of…
We see how Locke gets his back broken and his recuperation. Then, Ben walks Locke down a hallway and we hear how Locke must have felt to have his own father try to kill him. Then we come to a door, and although I knew at the beginning of the episode what was behind that door, I still wanted to see it play out.
So this leaves some MORE questions, as if we didn’t have enough, right? Why are Ben and Locke so connected and so adamant to stay on the island? What are they running from? How did they get his Dad there, is that even his dad? And most of all..what will Locke do now? Oh it’s all so intriguing. Please,
Lost People, don’t disappoint me, please!? I’m
beginning to regain my hope that you’ll bring back my ‘old’
Lostand all will be well once Gilligan is rescued…Oh I mean Jack and the other survivors (Mary Anne, Skipper, I mean Claire, Charlie….)
TVFan says: I'll admit it: I was pretty excited to sit down and watch
Lost this week. It's a feeling that has become foreign this season as the show works through a lackluster year. But this week, it felt like the writers were back in control of the show's destiny and mythology. We've waited 2 1/2 seasons to find out how Locke ended up in the wheelchair that the island took from him. And now we know the tragic truth: his kidney-stealing father pushed him out of an 8th story apartment in an attempt to kill him. Talk about your daddy issues! It turns out, though, that Locke's past experience with his con-artist father was not enough to prepare him for the manipulative Ben, who seems to have found himself in Locke's old position. Ben was able to manipulate Locke into blowing up the sub, something that Locke wanted too because he was so afraid of his father finding him, but the action supposedly took out the island's only way back to the rest of the world. Of course, no one was more upset about this development than Jack and Juliet, who were both headed out that night thanks to a deal they made with Ben (hence the reason for last

week's impromptu football game). I'm still dying to know how The Others know so much about the survivors, but the story was gripping enough this week to make me overlook any lingering unanswered questions. The night's biggest question/surprise came in the final minutes when Ben disclosed the contents the island's "big box." How did Locke's father get there???!!!
If you missed this week's episode, you can watch it for free at
abc.com. The screencaps in this edition are courtesy of
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