Lost finally revealed more on its eye patch-wearing man last night. Here's what
Turtlemama and I have to say:
Turtlemama says: You know, just ‘cause I like bulleted points, I’m going to sum up
this week’s spisode in three points.
-We met the ‘Eye-patch Man’ this week on ‘Lost’.
-Sayid’s back story was fairly interesting. But, it’s like I keep saying…the back stories are quite interesting.
-Sawyer lost to Hugo during a ping pong match on the beach.
We found out that Sayid tortured a woman and she found him and he was tortured then released….and the cat that symbolized everything was at the ‘Eye-Patch Man’ homestead. And uh…what else was there? Oh yeah, Hugo
beat sawyer at ping-pong and now Sawyer can’t use nicknames for a week….exciting stuff, folks, watch out.
The homestead that the trackers (Kate, Locke, Sayid, and Danielle) found blew up, because Locke hit 77 on the keyboard. The black lady was
killed. Who was she you ask…well, see that’s just it, we don’t know and we’ll never know. It must be too much work to answer so many
questions so they just kill everyone off. I bet that’s how the whole show ends;
one big explosion.
I guess this week’s episode was good, it just raised more questions, didn’t give us any answers and we saw some boring day-to-day stuff.
Granted the explosion and meeting of the two others was interesting, along with Sayid’s back story. But, other than that I’m getting a
little bored with ‘Lost’. I think I’d rather play Wii Tennis than watch ‘Lost’ most Wednesdays…(and I don’t care for Wii Tennis).
TVFan says: Finally, we get an episode worth writing about the next day!! After a ho-hum season that just seems to putt-putt along, there were interesting revelations and a flashback sequence that drew me in. Of course, there were the obvious parallels between Sayid's past situation and his present one. He was fooled the first time, but not the second. He knew that the man with the eye patch was only pretending to be with Dharma just as

the man in the restaurant had only pretended to offer him a job. But, what about that mysterious cat? The island allows the survivors to see things that aren't there (Kate's black horse, Jack's father, Eko's brother, etc). I think that the cat was real (we saw Eye Patch man acknowledge her and call her Nadia), but I think Sayid saw her the way he wanted to see her. Because of the parallel, she looked like the woman's cat from his flashback. At the end, the cat looked on in approval after seeing that Sayid isn't the torturing man he used to be. It was a cycle that the cat helped to break, and Sayid wasn't going to forget it. Nicely done. In the revelation department, it seems that the Dharma Initiative no longer exists -- killed off by the The Others (or hostiles as the video called them). So, if The Others aren't Dharma, then who are they? We're back at square one (as usual). And who didn't see that explosion coming when Locke entered "77" into the computer?? That C4 had to be there for a reason!
If you missed this week's episode, you can watch it for free at
abc.com. The screencaps in this edition are courtesy of
1 comment:
Although this was a fairly interesting episode( I really do like Sayid), it's getting harder and harder to drag myself to the tv at 10;00 on Wednesdays. Especially with the delicious Medium on opposite it on NBC. Lost is one show I will not miss when it goes into the archives.Yet I keep watching!
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