I (notso) secretly love the 80s, especially the cheestastic music, so any time
Cold Case graces us with a case from the rad decade, I get all excited. Tonight's outing didn't play up the cheesy factor, but it didn't need to. The case was too emotional for it (witness an earlier 80s episode about dating services that PTR named a miss for the season). This time, the show got it right and managed to include some awesome 80s tracks in the process (There are no words to express my excitement over Corey "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" Hart's "Never Surrender." And yeah, I'm downloading it right now off of iTunes. Don't judge). In addition to the music, the case was pretty strong. I was riveted by the father who wanted his son's murder solved so badly that he was pushing sex offenders off of city buildings, and I really had no idea who was responsible for Clayton's death. I was pretty sure it wasn't his father, but there was a host of reasonable suspects that kept me guessing throughout the hour. The only thing missing in this one was Lilly (again). You know, I probably wouldn't notice it if it weren't for the first season. She was in every frickin' scene (minus the flashbacks). Check it out on TNT when they cycle back through the season 1 episodes. Now, it feels like she's not involved if she's not in 75% of them. Plus the fact that she's tied for first place on my fave TV characters of all-time list (Veronica Mars shares first with

her), so I doubt that anything less than every scene would be acceptable. Seriously though, she wasn't a big part of tonight's case. I suppose that has to do with Scotty's involvement, which was a little anvilous at times. We get it, his brother and this man's son were both molested by grown men. I did like the consistency of Scotty's act first, think later tendency when he told Mitch about the photos getting him into trouble once again.

I also liked the edge-of-your-seat feel throughout and stronger sense of urgency during the rooftop scene at the end. I'm sure that Mitch's ex-wife would have said just about anything to keep him from killing another man and himself, but I got the sense all-hour that she did still have feelings for him. Of course, he's headed back to jail (this time for a crime he committed), but I have faith that these two crazy kids can work it out. With no help from the ADA, no doubt. Speaking of her, she annoys me. She annoyed me earlier this season when she showed up for Scotty's brother's case, and she annoyed me tonight. I finally figured out why she annoys me so much: she looks like Josie Sutton, the detective that appeared in a few episodes early last season and managed to almost single-handedly destroy one of my favorite shows. This ADA may be perfectly fine, but I will never fully like her because of this resemblance. Totally irrational, I know, but what can I do? They should can her and bring back Kite! At least he liked helping
Lilly the CC detectives. Annoying ADA aside, this episode was another winner for
Cold Case, moving it to 16-2-1 on the season.
I do want to commend director David Barrett for his beautiful work tonight. Loved all the shots looking through things (the hole in the phone booth, the steelwork of the hotel sign on the rooftop, etc.) and the sweeping city shots (they looked beautiful in HD).
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1 comment:
I totally agree with you about the DA TvFan, she is annoying. At least Kite knew what he was talking about.
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