Why do Rob and Amber cause me to roll my eyes every time them come on my screen?? Maybe it's the fact that Amber thinks she's peaking while Rob is convinced that he hasn't reached his prime yet (rolls eyes).
Look, we're only 5 minutes in, and Eric has already referenced Danielle's boobs. Maybe they'll help complete another challenge this leg. They were so helpful last leg. Without them, Danielle never would have finished that fish Roadblock.
Oooh! Do you think that Rob and Amber might make a big mistake here by assuming that the shipwreck is a painting and not the actual sight?? Nah, me either. It's fun to dream, though.
And now dear readers, it's time for this week's "Feel Bad for Mirna Moment." It seems that she has to do more than any one person on the race. All together now: Poor Mirna!
The dream is over -- Rob figured out that the shipwreck is a sight and not a painting.
Oh snap! Team Guido just got shut out of the earlier flight!
Who would have thought that Rob would be the one to point out that Magellan started in Spain and Amber the one to argue that it was Guam?? Of course, it's History 101 and common sense all rolled into one, but I'm still impressed. Hold that thought, he just misspelled Philippines. And now they're both completely stumped! I love it!
Charter planes that leave 3 hours apart?? 3 hours??!! That's harsh. It's usually 1/2 hour. However, at least they're not traveling to AUSTRALIA on them!!!
Mirna's having another breakdown -- and it's a good one!! Just wait until she actually begins writing the signs and putting them in order.
We have another round of find the clue box, and surprise, surprise, it features the race's oldest team. Why does the oldest team on each edition have trouble finding a clue box sometime during the race?? I guess it's just one of those great TAR mysteries like why some racers wear those annoying strappy things that section off their chests or why Phil always acts so surprised when team members feel the need to give him a big hug.
Mail call! Terri has got to pick up the pace of this Roadblock or she won't finish going through that mail by the time the entire race is over!
Oh my god, if Charla and Mirna aren't eliminated tonight, I might have to rethink my devotion to this show. WTH are they talking about?? They didn't call for a taxi and Rob and Amber didn't steal theirs!!!! Why are they always playing the victim?? MOST. ANNOYING. TEAM. EVER!!!! Which, of course, makes me think that if they do come in last, it will be non-elimination.
Hell must have just frozen over because Rob and Amber did NOT finish first!! That distinguished honor belongs to Oswald and Danny, who promptly invited Phil along on their winning vacation.
Hey Mirna, if, as an attorney, you can tell who's lying to you, then why did you believe Amber when she told you that she got the clue down that path??
Sounds like someone needs to take a bar of soap to Mirna's mouth. And now she's resorting to name-calling. Damn it! They just finished in 7th place!!!!!! This means another week of Mirna's annoying-ness. Of course, this does mean that Rob and Amber just got ELIMINATED!! What was that about peaking, Amber?

Were you shocked to see Rob/Amber go home? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. The pictures in this edition are courtesy of cbs.com.
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