We're less than a minute in, and Rob and Amber are already annoying me. When are they going to get eliminated?? Never, I know. Oh and Rob, I could "care LESS" about your obsession with the other teams.
Wow, the producers are really working Phil's pronunciation skills with all of these destinations! Poor guy is still trying to master spa.
Danielle gets the Captain Obvious award of the night for pointing out that she's a girl and Eric's a guy. Congrats Danielle, you got it in record time, too, since we're 6 minutes into the show!
Sweet!!! We're only 11 minutes in and there's already airport drama! I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that this little interteam strategy of working together to get the best flight is going to blow up in someone's face. Can't wait!
Told you! Looks like Uchenna and Joyce were only able to help Team Guido.
OMG! The airport drama just got even better! Eric actually pulled off a sneaky maneuver and got he and Danielle on the earlier flight! Oh, and Charla and Mirna are being their usual crazy selves with everyone else. Why are these two on the Race again?!
I can't be the only one who just laughed out loud when Danielle said that Team Guido looked like psychos! Cut to one of them giving a maniacal look while stroking his chin. Now, there's the Team Guido I know and loathe!
Something is definitely fishy about this Roadblock! (Sorry, I had to do it!) It's sooooo perfect for Danielle, or rather, for the rest of us watching her freak out. She's definitely floundering. Ha, I crack myself up. But wait! Eric just got an ingenious idea! She needs to use her boobs! Thank god he is here to make everything better.
Oooh! Team Guide just messed up! I know because we got that slow-mo TAR trademark that means a team messed up. He didn't read the entire clue from the bottom of the tank. Drama!! I can't wait to see how this plays out.
Meanwhile, Mirna is floundering too! And now they're in last place. Awesome!
Rob and Amber have done rafting before, and she almost died. Oh, and the guide just told them that if they do fall in, not to panic. So what, they're supposed to just kiss their sorry arse goodbye?? I can't wait for this Detour!
So, Team Guido didn't get screwed by their clue mishap (thanks to Mirna), but it seems that the blondes just did. They made the fatal TAR mistake of stumbling upon a challenge without finding the preceding clue. Now, there are some sorry arses we can kiss goodbye!
Oh look, we're heading to the next Pit Stop and Rob/Amber are in first place. Shocking. Oh, and now they just finished in first -- AGAIN!! They're frickin' 3 for 3. It's time for their next prize. Please say spa, please say spa, please say spa -- Nope! A home gym instead. I'm really starting to get disappointed in the lack of spa prizes this season. So far, there has only been one. I'm beginning to miss Phil's cute pronunciation.
Girls, your car not starting is the least of your worries right now. Nevermind, looks like it was driver error. Wait until you find out that you missed a clue!!
Holy river rafting, Batman! Teri just fell out of the raft. Remember Teri, whatever you do, don't panic!! Phew! The magical TAR commercial break just saved her. She's holding onto the raft and proclaiming how fun it was to fall out. Tragedy, luckily, avoided.
I can't believe CBS just reminded all of us of how they helped Rob and Amber get on that plane during season 7!
Here it comes, the moment of truth for the blondes. Phil has his sad face on. The blondes -- their confused one. Ooooh, Phil didn't tell them which clue they missed. Tricky! No problem, though, because the girls made it back to the Pit Stop before anyone else did, so they're still in fourth.
Where the crap are Charla/Mirna and Team Guido?? Maybe this means that one of them will be eliminated. Oh here they are, still lost. Nothing new this leg. It's looking more and more like one of them is going. I really hope it's the cousins. Damn, they finished the river first, but they can't find their keys!! Sweet! Double damn, they finished in 8th. This means that David/Mary are last and eliminated. Bummer.

Were you bummed to see David/Mary go home? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Also, let me know what you think about the new TAR format. The pictures in this edition are courtesy of cbs.com.
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1 comment:
I absolutely love the new format! It is hysterical!! David and Mary were a real bummer. But they were a really weak team. They needed their beloved Cho brothers. I want Charla and Mirna to go so badly! They are so obnoxious! And team Guido is starting to show signs of their former selves. I love it!!
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