Tuesday's episode of 'Gilmore Girls' could have served as a PSA for abstinence. We were shown two scenarios for what could happen after makin' a little 'whoopee'. I won't make you wait for it, Lane's pregnant. After her and Zach's less than stellar trip to Mexico she wasn't feeling too great. Zach had gotten a parasite south of the border and they both believed that Lane had one too. Which, scientifically speaking, she does have one...only it's of the human zygote variety. I’m not sure if I’m excited for Lane or worried for her, but it’s a great storyline and I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
How great was the scene between Luke and Kirk!? Kirk had on a red baseball cap and a red flannel shirt and was running an outdoor diner named….wait for it…Kirk’s! He even had a ‘No Cell Phones’ sign, hand-painted and everything just like Luke’s! It was classic ‘Gilmore Girls’ fare.
We also got to see Luke and Lorelei meet up in the town square and then again outside of town at a large supermarket. Luke told Lorelei that they would just turn back the hands of time and she could hook up with Christopher and he’d go back to being ‘just be the guy that pours your coffee’. It’s all so Normal Rockwell, but we all know it won’t turn out that way…and personally, I can’t wait to see how it does play out.
Lorelei was caught almost red-handed by Rory when Christopher left a message on the answering machine about his and Lorelei’s night of….you know the word, folks….whoopee! Rory laid into Lorelei just like any red-blooded American girl would have done if her mother had done the same thing, Gilmore or not and then ran over to Lane’s where she found out Lane was pregnant. In another classic ‘Gilmore’ scene Rory and Lane laid in Lane’s bed and created a story using celebrity’s crazy baby names.
You know, I’m probably the only viewer in North America that actually likes it when Rory and Lorelei are at odds. Granted, by the end of the show Rory and Lorelei were laying on the couch together and all was well once again. But I really like the emotion that Rory shows towards her mother when her mother does something that Rory doesn’t agree with.
I have to say that David Rosenthal has done an excellent job! Honestly, if I hadn’t read on another TV site that Amy Sherman-Palladino had left, I never would have noticed. It’s really that good. And maybe, dare I say that it’s a little bit better? It seem that the characters are a little deeper and have a bit more emotion behind them than they did before. Or, maybe, just maybe it’s me and the placebo effect…I’m just making it all up in my head! At any rate, I am loving my ‘Girls’ and don’t really see the show ending any time soon, which is great for those of us who are hopelessly addicted!
That's an awesome picture you put in your GG discussion! I have to agree with your assessment. The show didn't skip a beat tonite without the Palladinos. How funny was that no cellphones sign Kirk had up?!? I still miss Emily and Richard though.
That Kirk and Luke scene was an insta-classic! I couldn't stop laughing! I loved how Kirk even went so far as to make his "Kirk's" sign identical to Luke's.
Lane's pregnancy should be interesting. I, too, loved the crazy celeb baby names scene.
Overall, a really good episode that set up some interesting stories for the season.
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